Chapter 2 (unedited)

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I wake up with a massive headache. I slowly open my eyes and then squeeze them shut when I see a blinding light. I slowly sit up, feeling nauseous. I look around me and noticed that I was in my living room. The white walls had picture frames hanging from them and the fireplace was on. Creating a soft glow around the room. And that's when I realized it was dark outside and the light I saw was a flashlight. Because, in front of me, was a man I had never seen before.

His hair was a blondish color with brown low-lights. He looked to be in his thirties with a trail of stubble lining his face. His eyes were a pale blue color, almost gray. He was looking at me with wonder.

I opened my mouth to speak. "Who are you?"

The man gave me a warm smile. "I'm Asclepius. Your doctor."

Asclepius? Seriously, who was this guy?

"No, really. Who are you and what are you doing in my house?"

He chuckled. "Asclepius. And I'm your doctor. Your wonderful grandmother called me."


"I'll go get your grandmother. I'm sure she is worried about you." The man got up from his seat and walked to the kitchen door, swinging it open widely.

Shortly after, my Nana came through the door followed by the man. My nana was a small woman, she was easily 4'11. Apparently, my whole family was short, even though I am 5'7. Her hair was white, short and very curly. Her skin was wrinkly but made her look like a sweet old lady. But, she could definitely be fierce when she wanted too.

She sat by my feet on the couch, picking them up and setting them back down on her lap.

"Oh, my. I am so glad you are okay! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" I smiled at that. She always says stuff like that.

"What..what happened?"

Asclepius was the one who answered. "You passed out yesterday at your job. You must not have eaten anything." Oh. Wait, no.

"Wait, I had-"

He cut me off. "You should be fine once you get food in your stomach." Why wasn't he letting me talk? I had ice cream and earlier I had a sandwich. I wasn't hungry at all.

He must be trying to hide something. I mean, why lie? What if he wasn't a doctor. He did have a weird name, after all. What if he was actually a leader of a cult? Ok, I doubted that.

The sound of a ringing phone pulled me out of my crazy thoughts. The doctor put his phone to his ear and began listening to the person on the other end. He got up from his seat and went into the kitchen. I looked over at my Nana who was staring into the fire, not paying attention. She seemed to do that a lot.

I quickly and quietly made my way to the kitchen door. I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, but I couldn't help it. My curious side kicked in.

"Don't worry. It's her.... No, she didn't believe me.... She is suspecting something.... Wait, she saw him?.... She saw all of you?.... I have never heard of- wait. I think she's listening."

Uh oh. I quickly ran back to my spot on the couch, accidentally scaring my Nana.

Asclepius came out of the kitchen and stared at me. Uh oh. He definitely knew. But who was he talking to? He was obviously talking about me. But why?

"Okay," Asclepius started, "I think it's time for me to go. It was nice to meet you Camry." He held his hand out to me and I froze up. I looked at my Nana and she was waiting for me to shake it. If I didn't, she would wonder and ask questions. I couldn't have her finding out.

So, as nicely as I could I shook his hand. I wanted to flinch but held it in. I knew he was closely observing me. No one could find out.

His hand dropped from mine and he went to say goodbye to my grandma. Soon enough, he left.

I collapsed down on the couch. The heat from the fire made me feel like I was burning up.

I felt the couch sink as my Nana sat back down next to me.

"Camry, what happened?" I knew my Nana would ask that.

I sighed and looked at her. "I went to the beach with Naomi and we had ice cream. I went back to work and felt dizzy. And then, I passed out." I didn't want to worry her, so I didn't tell her about the people I saw on the boat and the figure that was in the diner.

She gave me a concerned look. "Are you sure that was all? Naomi said you kept saying a name. She couldn't hear you, but she said it started with an H. Do you know what you said?" I shook my head. A name that started with H? Hannah, Hamilton, Hayworth. I don't know.

Hannah, Hamilton, Hayworth, Hades, Ha- wait. Hades. I was saying Hades. Why would I be saying that? I frowned and excused myself from my Nana.

I walked up the stairs and went straight to my room. My room was exactly the way I wanted it. I had plain, white walls and a queen sized bed. The comforter was a deep purple, my favorite color. I had a dresser with my clothes and a bookshelf where I had all my CD's on. I usually listened to the CD's when I was in the house.

I put on a Panic! at the Disco album and pressed play. I started listening to the music as I took my laptop out from under my bed. It was there because my Nana always liked to snoop.

I quickly searched the name Asclepius, I wanted to know where I had heard that from. The name came up as the Greek God of medicine and healing. Wow, his mom must have really wanted him to be a doctor if she gave him that name.

I knew who Hades was, but I still searched him. And, of course, he came up as the God of the Underworld. Now, why would I be saying his name? It didn't make sense. He wasn't even real.

I sighed and closed my laptop. I knew I wouldn't be getting any answers.

I thought it was weird that before I passed out, I said the name Hades. And when I woke up, my doctor's name was Asclepius.

I shut off my music and waltzed back downstairs. I turned the television on and the first word I heard was Zeus. What the hell!?

What is with all these Greek Gods popping up everywhere? I shut the tv off and grabbed my keys to my Harley.

"I'm going out Nana! I'll be back soon!" I knew it was late, but I needed to get out of the house.

"Wait!" I didn't wait. I walked out the door and walked straight to my motorcycle. I put it in gear and was off. I drove through the streets carefully. It was dark out and I didn't want to run over something. I guess I didn't run over something but was the thing being run over.

As I was driving through an intersection, a car came forward and hit me. I flew off my bike and hit the pavement. I heard the sound of my bike skidding on the floor. It felt like everything stopped. There was no sounds, no movement. And no breathing coming from me.

I felt pain radiate through my body. The pain was everywhere. And I couldn't move.

Soon enough, I didn't feel anything. And all there was around me was blackness, again.


A/N~ Chapter 2! Soon, she will be meeting all of the names you just heard in this chapter. The Greek Gods, I mean.

i have a pretty good idea about what's going to happen next.

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