Chapter 10 (unedited)

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I pulled Hade's closer. We were so close that you couldn't stick a needle between our bodies. I felt like I could never stop kissing him. Kissing him made me feel like everything was right in the world. He was the water I drink. The shelter I need. The air I breathe. He was my everything.

I pulled away slowly, resting my forehead on his. I took in a much-needed breath of air. My eyes connected with his and I smiled brightly. I was happy. Happier than ever.

"What does this mean?" I whispered to Hades.

"Well. It means you need to start training and learning everything there is to know about the Underworld."

I pulled away, confused. He noticed my expression and laughed. "To be the Queen of the Underworld. My Queen."

"Really?" I sorta blushed.

He smiled and nodded his head. "Really." I squealed. I literally squealed. When I realized what I was doing, I stopped.

"Well, that's not weird at all." Hades just laughed at me.

"So, are we" I thought that's what we were. I just wasn't sure.

"Yeah. I guess we are."

I spent the next two days buried in books I had to read about the Underworld.

I literally let no one in my rooms so I could concentrate. I was back to talking to Aphrodite and my mom, so they would help with things. Like bring me food and answer questions. I talked to everyone again. All except my dad. Zeus. Ugh, I hated him.

I was so tired of reading that all I wanted to do was curl up on my bed and go on Netflix and watch tv. Preferably Arrow.

I knew I had to learn this stuff, I was just so tired. I know I didn't have to push myself so hard, but I wanted to get it all done and over with.

A knock on my door pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw Hades walking in with a tub of ice cream in his hand.

My mouth dropped. First, I haven't seen Hades in two days because he had to go back to the Underworld, Secondly, he's walking in all handsome like with ice cream? Oh, how I love him.

I squeal and jump off the bed. I rush and leap into his arms. I have missed him much. Especially because he can help me with my studying.

He chuckles at me but stops when he leans down and kisses me. He pulls back and places the ice cream tub on my bookshelf before returning to me.

This kiss is more slow and passionate. It truly shows our love for one another. I moan into the kiss as he pulls me closer.

We come to an abrupt stop when someone screams. I turn real fast to see Aphrodite jumping up and down with a smile on her face.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" She was way too overjoyed.

"What's your problem? It was just a kiss."

She scoffs at me. "That was not 'just a kiss'" She puts finger quotes around 'just a kiss'. "That was full with the moaning and groaning and eventually the blowing." My mouth drops open at her bluntness. I hear Hades chuckle next to me and I slap him on his arm. That just makes him chuckle more. "Come with me!"

She grabs both of our arms and pulls us out of my room and through the hall.

Soon enough we were in what I call the gold room. This is where all of the Olympians talk and plan. She pulled us inside and I noticed all the Olympians were there.

"Guess what?!" Everyone turned to look at us. "They," she said pointed at Hades and me, "were making out!" Of course, she had to tell them. I ignored everyone else's reaction as I looked at my mom. She seemed to be trying to hide a smile. She was failing at it.

"Great! So she won't complain about becoming the Goddess of the Underworld." Zeus was instigating a fight. He loves them.

I didn't take the bait. Instead, I ignored him. I looked at Aphrodite. "Thank you for doing this, really. It means so much to me." Everyone could hear the sarcasm as it laced

My voice. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have studying to do."

I turned and walked away. I almost jumped when I felt someone's hand slip in mine. I looked at Hades and all he did was smile at me before following me up the grand staircase.

As soon as I made it to my room, I sat on my bed. Hades grabbed the tub of ice cream and two spoons before taking a seat next to me.

"You," he started, "needs a break. I'm getting a headache by watching you do all of this." I grinned. I'm glad I could make him suffer.

I took a big scoop of the chocolate ice cream. And man was it good. It was my favorite flavor so it had to be good. It was creamy goodness.

"Mmh. This is so delicious." The way I said it made both of us laugh. I was still eating the ice cream when I said it.

Hades took a big spoonful of ice cream and literally inhaled it so fast. He just kept eating and eating.

"Slow down, dude! You're gonna eat it all!" He looked up at me and gave me a guilty grin.

"Sorry." I chuckled and continued to eat.

When we finished the ice cream, I got back to work. I learned lots of things. I learned history about the Underworld, the things that were there. Everything.

"So, when you aren't in the Underworld, who is in charge?" I never asked that question and I realized I probably should have.

"No one does. It is usually fine because Thanatos and his reapers work really well."

"Oh. I never knew that." Hades just nods his head. I don't understand that answer, though. So what is his job?

"What is your job exactly?"

"Well, I make sure everything in the Underworld is running smoothly." I understood that.

"But, what happens if something goes wrong and you aren't there?"

Hades smiles at me. "That's when Thanatos steps in and helps out. He's good for more than collecting souls." Right. I knew that.

I finished studying earlier than I usually did. I was completely exhausted. I placed the heavy books on the side table and crawled into bed. Hades laid down next to me, so I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me, cuddling me to him.

"Princess?" Hades questioned.

"Hm?" My eyes were closed.

"How would you feel about going to the Underworld tomorrow?" I didn't even think about the question. I just nodded my head. Hades chuckled and pressed a light kiss to my forehead. And then, I fell asleep.


A/N~ So, Camry is going to the Underworld tomorrow. I'm having a hard time finding what to write about, so I plan on finishing this book sooner rather than later. I will be writing a second one, though.

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