Chapter 9 (unedited)

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I spent the whole night tossing and turning in my bed. I felt bad for the way I went off on everyone yesterday. It was wrong, but at the moment it happened, it felt right.

Now, it was five in the morning and all I wanted to do was fall asleep. My eyes were sore. My head was pounding. And, I literally felt drunk.

I kept thinking about everything I said. Everything I did. I said three speeches in just one day. One day of being here.

I felt awful for what I did. None of them deserved that, especially when they have done nothing wrong to me. I just feel like I needed to say what I was feeling. But, even then, I didn't tell Hades how I truly felt.

I just wanted to sleep.

I squeezed my eyes tight and tried to clear my mind. And then, finally, I fell asleep.

Only to be woken up three hours later by a knocking on my door.

"Mmmm. Go awayyyy!" I was so tired all I wanted to do was sleep. And sleep. And sleep.

"Come on! Breakfast is ready!" It was my mom who spoke to me. I'm sure no one else wanted to.

I moaned and sat up. This wasn't going to be fun. Especially when we eat every meal together. Even lunch.

Since I was so tired, I felt extremely cold. So I put on a pair of black leggings, a t-shirt, and a red hoodie. I put on makeup to make me look less tired. Even that didn't work.

I sighed. It was the best I could do. I opened my door and was greeted with silence.

I walk as slow as possible down the stairs and to the dining room. I slowly push the door open and step through the doorway. There are fewer people than there was yesterday.

I try to ignore the stares as I walk to my table. What really hurt is that my chair I always sat in was gone. They moved any extra chair from the table so I couldn't sit there.

I looked around. "Where's my chair." Some looked down, sad. Some looked guilty. And some just sat there with no emotion. That someone begin Hades.

Zeus spoke up. "We figured it would be better if you didn't sit with us." I rose my eyebrows at him. Wow, mean girls much?

"Wow, okay. So, I guess being honest means me being shunned by my family." As I was walking away I muttered, "What great people you are." I know they all heard me. But, they all did nothing. Even my mom did nothing.


I moved to the only empty table there was and sat by myself.

I was mad at them. I was being honest with them and then they were completely rude to me. As if I didn't have enough problems already.

When a waiter placed my food on the table, I dug in. There was eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, and pancakes. They always made a lot of food.

When I finished half my meal, I looked up and noticed people staring at me. I didn't like when they stared. It gave me the heebie-jeebies.

I heard the sound of a chair screeching and turned to the right. Hades was sitting down right next to me.

"Why are you sitting here with me?" It came out more rudely than I intended. He turned and looked at me.

"Because. It was wrong that they kicked you out of your seat. You were right. You were just being honest. What more could we ask of you?" He seemed completely genuine.

There was silence for a moment of so before I completely turned around to face him. My whole body and all.

"Look, I apologize for what I said. It was the truth, but I shouldn't have said it like that. Or, at all, really." I turned and took a bite of bacon. Mmm. Yum.

What he said shocked the bacon out of me. "No. I'm actually glad you told me. I have come to a realization. One that could either ruin me or not."

I spoke slowly and warily. "What kind of realization."

He quickly stood up and held his hand out to me. He nodded his head towards him. "Come on. Let's go."

I looked at his hand and back down at my plate. "But..but my food..."

He gave me a look. "Your food will be here when we get back."

I exhale and slowly grab his hand. It is warm in mine and gives me flutters in my stomach.

He leads me out of the dining room and out the front door. As soon as I am outside, I feel like passing out. It was really hot and humid out. It didn't help I was in long pants and sweatshirt.

Hades looked back at me and smiled. His smile made my heart skip a beat. And I knew, in that moment, that I was indeed head-over-heels in love with him. I wish I realized that sooner. I knew it wouldn't mean anything.

Hades led me to the spot we were last night, the river. He let go of my hand and I almost frowned, but held it in. He turned around and looked at me with intense blue eyes.

"Sooo.. What was the realization?" I was anxious to know what he was thinking.

He took a big gulp and opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it. He gave me a nervous laugh and I almost laughed at how funny and cute he was acting.

He opened his mouth and words actually came out. Words I never thought I would hear. Words I wanted so desperately to hear. Words that finally came out of his mouth. Those three words could have killed me.

"I love you."

My heart stopped. My stomach had butterflies flying in it, and I was scared they were going to burst out with joy. I didn't understand. Why would he tell me now? Or at all? I wanted to know, but I didn't want to ruin this moment.

I opened my mouth and then closed it. I was speechless. I was utterly speechless. And at the wrong time.

Hade's expression completely dropped. He looked pained.

"You don't feel the same, do you?" What? How could he think that?

You didn't say you loved him back, dimwit. My subconscious was yelling at me and calling me names.

My expression changed to understanding. My subconscious was right.

"No! I just don't understand. Why tell me now? Or at all?"

He looked down at his hands. I have never seen him this way. His walls were down.

"What you said last night made me think about how much I missed you. How much I needed you. How much I loved you."

He loved me. He actually loved me.

Wow, I have never been so happy.

"I..." He looked up at me in wonder. "I love you, too. I always have." There. I said it. And I felt wonderful.

He smiled at me. I could tell he was ecstatic. I smiled as big as ever.

And I couldn't hold it in any longer. I leaned up and kissed him. His lips were soft and smooth as he kissed me back. I felt hot all over. But that could have been because it was scorching outside.

Hade's hands moved down my body to rest on my hips. I shivered and he smiled. My hands moved and tangled into his hair. I pulled him closer and kissed him with passion.

I never wanted to stop. Ever.


A/N~ Ahhhhh! They finally kissed! One reason I made it so soon is because I hate when author drag it out and the main character end up kissing at the last chapter. It bugs me so much. I'm over here like, "Where's the lip action" and the author is like, "At the last chapter biatch!" It makes me mad.

SOOOOOOOOO...... Yeah. They kissed. They said 'I love you.' Go ahead and be happy now.



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