Chapter 16 (unedited)

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I made my decision. I knew I would hate it after I did it, but I had to. It was the right thing to do.

I stepped in the meeting room, expecting to see my mom in there. Instead, Hades was sitting in his chair with paper on his lap and a pencil in his hand.

He must not have noticed me come in because the sound of the door closing made him jump in his seat. I started laughing because of how funny it was.

Hades looked at me in surprise, and then he joined in.

It kind of surprised me. That we were laughing together, I mean. I was still quite upset with him, but I knew I had to get over it. With my dad being Zeus, well, I didn't have much of a choice.

"I'll do it," I said as soon as I sobered up.
Hades gave me confused expression. "Do what exactly?"

I frowned at him. Was he pretending to have forgotten or did he really forget the whole conversation we had?

"I'll say goodbye to Naomi and my Nana." It was definitely going to be hard to do. And it will definitely suck. But, I wanted to be with Hades more than anything. I wanted... well, my family. Don't get me wrong, Naomi and Nana are my family, but my mom is here. And sadly, my dad is here. But, they are my real family. Right?

I guess I couldn't change my mind now. I had already told Hades I would do it. I didn't want to hurt him by changing my mind.

Realization seemed to spark in Hades eyes. I could tell he didn't want to have me do this. But everyday I was here, everyone in the human realm thought I was like, I don't know, kidnapped maybe? Dead? Basically they didn't know where I was They were probably going crazy searching for me.

"Are you sure that this is what you want?" Hades seemed genuinely worried.

I shook my head at him. "No. But I made my decision." His only response was a nod of his head. We stood there in utter silence. We stared at each other, not making any sound. I looked in Hades blue eyes. I wanted this. I wanted him. I couldn't have him and Naomi and Nana at the same time. I wish I could, but how would that even be possible? It wouldn't. Hades was perfect for me though. I have always loved him. Since I was a little scamp to now.
The sound of a door opening and closing pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see my mom walking towards me. "I know you don't want to do this, but right now there is no other option. I would hate to see you lose two people who really care for you, but we have to do this. You'll be the Goddess soon." I nodded my head. I understood what she meant, truly I did. But I knew it would be hard to do.

"Look mom, I get it. I do. I'm gonna be working and doing whatever Goddesses do. I won't have time for humans or what not. I get that. It's just hard knowing that I have to say goodbye to two people that I love. But I'll do it." My mom gave me a look of respect. She must respect my decision even though it wouldn't be my first choice.

My mom nodded her head. "Okay then. We will leave tomorrow. In the meantime, I need Hades to tell you more about your job. You will become Goddess in two days." My mom left the way she came from. I turned and looked at Hades who was staring at me like I was just a few minutes ago.

"Teach me everything I need to know."
I sat on my bedroom floor with a coffee mug filled with hot chocolate in my warm hand. Hades sat next to me the same mug in his hand, but filled with coffee. Hades was planning on telling me the things I need to be aware of in my job. I wasn't looking forward to the long nights studying everything he is going to tell me.

Hades took a big breath before he started talking. "Eight years ago you were forced to leave because of an accident. You know of Cronus, my father. We defeated him and the Titans many, many years ago. They are now located low in the mists of Tartarus. The day you were forced to leave, a Titan somehow escaped. We were able to bring him back, but we couldn't let you be around. The damage was crazy, and I knew he would try to kill you the first chance he got. So, you left. And the reason we waited eight years to bring you back is because we thought you would be safer in the human realm. I never knew where you were, as you could guess I would have brought you back the first chance I got." Hades stopped and gave out a long sigh. He looks at me, and my heart breaks. He looks so sad. I couldn't stand it.

"I wanted to find you. So, so bad. You were my princess. And then suddenly, you weren't. I was devastated. I couldn't believe I might not have ever seen you again. Anything could have happened to you and I wouldn't know. I wouldn't be able to protect you." Hades turned his sad gaze to the ground. I felt my eyes water at his words. "I looked for you. For the good part of four years. After those four years, Ares came and found me. He brought me back to the Underworld. And he definitely had to use lots of force to do it." His eyes turned back to me. "I was so close to finding you. I had just made it to California when he stopped me. He must have known I was getting close... I could have found you. You could have come home. But.. I failed to bring you back. I failed you." My heart broke all over again. He thought it was his fault. He truly thought it was his fault that I was gone for so long.

"Don't say that." I turned his chin to look at me. "You couldn't have known. How were you supposed to bring me back. I was fourteen at the time. I didn't remember you. I would have thought you to be some creep and run away. And just think of how mad Zeus would be at you. He would eat you alive." Hades gave a low chuckle. "I'm glad you didn't bring me back until now. Not because I didn't want to be here. Even though I didn't know what here was. But because I would have suffered. I was in love with you- am in love with you- and it would have sucked to see you everyday and not be able to do something about. Especially since I was literally only fourteen. This isn't your fault. It could never be your fault."

Hades sat there. He looked at me and nodded. I was definitely nervous. Me and Hades love each other, yes. But, we have only said it like three times. And we only kissed a couple more. We are kind of in an awkward stage of our relationship. I didn't want to have one of those relationships though. Maybe we just have to get closer again?

"And I love you, too." I smiled at Hades words. And then, I leaned in a kissed him. I didn't want to feel awkward around him. I loved him. There was no reason to be. When we pulled away he asked, "Any questions?"

I thought about it and nodded my head. Oh lord, please pray for me. "What about Persephone?" I hope I wasn't making a mistake.
A/N~ Yay! I finally updated! I know it has been awhile and I'm sorry. I have been busy with school. So it's a lot harder to write. I do try my best though. Any ways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will try to get another one up and soon as possible.

Thanks and enjoy!

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