Chapter 19 [epilogue](unedited)

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Today was the day. The day that I would become the Goddess of the Underworld. Honestly, I was beyond nervous. I was also very depressed. Just yesterday I found out that my Nana was dead and I will never see my best friend Naomi again. It hurts.

Even though I was nervous, I was still very excited. I was basically marrying Hades. That was also another reason I'm nervous. I haven't been here long and I feel like I am ruining my life by doing this, but I know that can't be the case.

I was sitting in my room as Aphrodite did my hair and makeup. We only had an hour to get me ready. And I was a hassle today. My hair was all over the place and the little makeup I wore the day before was smeared everywhere. I didn't know how this was going to work. I was told that it would be like an actual human world wedding. I still didn't know what I was doing because I have never, ever been to a wedding before.

Aphrodite did my hair in a tight updo with curls framing the sides of my face. My makeup was light and neat. And before I knew, Aphrodite was shoving me in a deep red gown. A red gown? What kind of wedding was this? The dress was long and had very few details to it.

I hear a knock on my door and turn to see my mom walking in. Tears are in her eyes and I feel some swelling in mine. She rushes up to me and pulls me into a big hug. "I'm so excited for you!"

I pull away from my mom and look at her. "Mom," I grab her attention. "Is this weird?"

She looks at me with concern. "Is what weird sweetheart?"

I pause for a brief moment and take a breath. "Is it weird to be getting married already? It all just seems so fast." I pause and look her, continuing. "I mean, I guess as soon as I came here I remembered everything that happened and I do remember how I felt about Hades, but isn't it weird?"

She pauses in thought. "I know everything has gone so fast. And I know that you gave up a lot to come back here. But you have taken it all so well. I'm actually quite surprised with how well you are doing with it all." She takes a deep breath and I see her shoulders relax. "You and Hades may not have been with each other long, but I know that you both will succeed and be happy."

I thought about it for a moment. Everything has gone so fast, but I was ready for it. I was ready to be with Hades. I was ready for it all. I look at her and nod my head. "I'm ready."


My mom told me the first thing we would be doing was an actual wedding ceremony and then we would be having a... ritual or something.

I grabbed onto my mom's arm tighter. She was walking me down the aisle and I was just standing here waiting for my cue. The music starts playing and my mom looks at me, giving me a reassuring nod. The doors open and I step out.

The first thing I look for is Hades. And I see him. He is standing at the end of the aisle, staring at me. Zeus is next to him not looking at all impressed. Hades looked so handsome in his black tux. His dark hair was pushed back out of his face and he was wearing a big smile. I began walking slowly and prayed to the gods that I wouldn't trip and fall.

It was a good thing all the gods were here because I would need it. The prayer, I mean.

Every single Greek God there was, was standing in front of me. I felt the nerves come crashing right back into me and I stumbled a little. Was it even possible to make it through this alive?

I guess I probably shouldn't be asking that because technically after this I'll be going to the Underworld. The place completely surrounded by dead people. It sounds heavenly, doesn't it?

I make it up to the front and my mom carefully places my hands into Hades.' She takes a step back and stands by the rest of the gods. I look into Hades eyes and I just know that everything will end out okay.

I hardly listen to Zeus as he talks on and on about things that don't interest me. I don't really care about those things. I just wanted Hades to be my husband. We weren't doing our own original vows which really bummed me. We didn't have time and It wasn't like the wedding was actually planned for that long.

What we did, though, was say the traditional marriage vows. You know the ones. Through sickness and health and whatnot.

The part that I was looking most looking forward to was this part. "You may kiss your bride."

Oh, and Hades definitely did do that. He pulled me to him tightly as cheers erupted from all around. The kiss was sweet and passionate at the same time. I smiled into the kiss and kissed him harder. Sadly, he pulled away. It made sense considering there was a lot of people watching.

"I love you so much Camry," Hades whispers in my ear. Tears are shining in my eyes as I whisper the words back to him. "I love you, too."

This would usually be the time when we walked down the aisle hand in hand, but instead, I turned towards Zeus. I was waiting for instructions on what I needed to do.

You could bet I was extremely surprised when I see Zeus holding a big, golden crown. He holds the crown over my head. "Camry Hunt. Do you promise to follow Hades and take the powerful position of becoming the Goddess of the Underworld?" I freeze, not sure what to say.

"I do?" I reply lamely. I hear laughter around me and a blush rises to my cheeks.

I look over at Hades and see he has a small smile on his face. "Just say yes, my dear."

I look back to Zeus and reply, "Yes."

Fire flashes around the room as the tiki torches are lit on fire. Zeus continues to talk, sadly. "Then from this day forward, I commend you, Camry Hunt, to become the Goddess of the Underworld." Then he places the crown on my head. And everyone cheers.

I was definitely surprised. That wasn't bad at all like I had expected.

I was regretting it for a moment, but not when I saw Hades look at me with the brightest smile ever. I ignore everyone around me cheering and stand on my tippy toes. I lean in and give Hades a big kiss, wrapping my arms around his next.

A lot of things have changed these past few months. But, I don't regret anything. I just hope nothing comes and ruins how I feel.

I really, really hope....

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