Chapter 1: Damage

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Your P.O.V.

You stepped out of the warm steam filling the bathroom. Slipping into a towel, you started to blow dry your wet hair. You had a date but it was more of a forced date. Your friend, Natalie, had set it up and since you owed her a favor you agreed to give the guy a chance. The thing is since your last boyfriend, Derek, you've given up on love. He was the first boy you ever loved. When your relationship progressed further he persisted further. It seemed that all Derek wanted to do was have sex. But you weren't ready and wanted to wait. He told you constantly that he loved you and he would respect that. Then the next day he would try again ignoring what he said the day before. It got to the point you couldn't take it anymore. You decided to go to his house and surprise him. But when you walked into his room and turned on the lights. There he was with the head cheerleader naked in bed together. Then things just got worse from there. Your dad was diagnosed with cancer a month after that. This caused your whole family to move closer to the facility where your dad had to get treated. Then eventually your dad died later that year. That was a hard year but you made good friends in your new town. You life took a turn for the better. You focused more on your schoolwork rather than boys. Your good grades got you a scholarship at your dream college. You didn't see the point on dating anyone for the rest of your high school months because you'll be college in September. The boy you were going on a date was some guy Natalie's boyfriend, Dave, was friends with. All you know about the guy was that his name was Brody and he is in your English class. At least it was a double date so it wouldn't be awkward silences between you two the whole time. Your best friend, Peter, didn't want you going on the date. He said he doesn't trust the guy. You told him it would be fine but he was still skeptical about it. He was just protective over you since he's your best friend. Plus he knows your past history with relationships. He just wanted whats best for you. You took a deep sigh as you finished blow drying your hair and put on your usual makeup. You walked out of the bathroom to your room. Looking through your clothes, you choose a standard outfit of jeans and a t-shirt. You weren't really feeling like impressing the guy that much. As you put on a jacket, the telephone on your bedside started to ring. You walked over to pick up the phone.



"I can't talk long Peter, Brody will be here any minute now."

"It's not too late to back out now."

"It's just one date."

"Fine but if anything happens find a way to call me."

"I will, Dad."

He chuckled into the phone.

"I'm just looking out for you."

"I can look out for myself."

"I know. I know it's just I have a bad feeling about this."

You heard the doorbell ring from downstairs.

"It will be fine, He's here so I have to go I'll talk to you later".

You hung up the phone before he could say goodbye and hurried down the stairs to the door. When you opened the door, you saw a tall boy with long sandy hair standing there. You made introductions as you locked the door to your house. As you were walking down your driveway to Brody's car, you noticed Peter standing by the window at his house across the street. Once you caught his eye he crossed his arms across his chest. You rolled your eyes as Brody opened the door to his car escorting you in. At least he's a gentleman. He closed the door and started walking around to the drivers seat. You made eye contact with Peter again and swatted your arms signaling him to go away. When Peter didn't budge you stopped. Then once Brody was in the driver's seat you guys were off. You were chatting with Brody as you tried to find a radio station of your liking. Brody went off on some story about what him and his mates did last weekend. You told him some stories involving you and Peter. Then you guys came up to a four-way stop. Seeing no one in sight, Brody started pulling out into the intersection. You were distracted by changing the radio station again. After you finally decided on a different station you turned your head to glance at Brody's reaction to the music. You were then distracted by bright lights approaching quickly behind his head.


You screamed as he attempted to swerve out of the way but it was too late. The car hit the side of Brody's car head on causing it to spin off the road. You threw your arms over your head as glass broke and flew all around the inside of the car. Eventually Brody's car came to a stop. You gradually put down your arms to explore the situation. You steadied your breathing and glanced over at Brody. His body was lying against the steering wheel while glass shards covered his body. You attempted to reach over to check his pulse but a piercing pain went up your side. Looking down at you side, you saw a giant glass shard implanted deep into the side of your abdomen.


You whispered under your breath. Taking a deep breath, you proceeded again to reach over and check Brody's pulse. You winced as your hand made its way to the side of his neck. Brushing his hair over, you then noticed a shard of glass impaled in his neck. That's going to do some damage to his spinal cord you thought to yourself. His pulse was faint. You looked around and thought about the situation. You could probably walk somewhere to get help. The shard in your side would make it difficult but it was the only way to help Brody. Unbuckling your seatbelt, you took a deep breath. Okay you can do this. You reached over and squeezed Brody's hand in comfort.

"It's all going to be okay Brody I'm going to go get help."

Suddenly a jolt of pain ran up your spine. You screamed as the pain got worse and worse. The pain was so bad you could barely move. You gripped onto Brody's hand for some kind of comfort but he was still completely unconscious. As the pain deepened it got harder to breathe. You glanced over at Brody to notice something strange about the glass shard in his neck. It seemed to be slowly sliding out of the back of his neck. When it was fully out it looked as if his neck had completely healed itself. Tears splashed onto your cheeks as the pain deepened into the back of your neck. Does his neck healing have something to do with me? You started to think you were going into shock or something. There was nothing you could do the pain started to restrict your movement. Your vision blurred with tears. Peter was right you shouldn't have gone on this stupid date. The pain started throbbing causing you to scream. You started to think that maybe this screaming might get someone to hear you. Then it got to the point no scream would come out. You tried and you tried but just more tears came streaming out of your eyes. Your eyelids started becoming more and more heavy. You were so distracted by the pain you didn't notice someone had opened the passenger door. A warm hand gently touched the side of your cheek wiping a tear.


You glanced up with your eyes to meet Peter's worried stare. He looked down to your side to see the glass shard as his eyes got wide. That wasn't even where the pain was coming from it was coming from your neck mostly.


You whimpered softly. It surprised you that you even got a word out. His panicked eyes calmed down a bit when you said his name but it was getting harder and harder to keep your eyes open. Peter moved away some strands of your hair away from your face while your eyes fluttered closed.

"y/n, stay with me please..."

He hoisted your arm around his neck ever so carefully as he picked you up out of the car seat. Your head rested on his chest where you could hear his out of control heartbeat as he gripped you tightly against him. Your eyes fluttered open again and you were already at the hospital. How did you guys get there so fast? Did you blackout? Then Peter carried you inside the hospital where you were blinded by white lights. You couldn't make out anything not even voices. Then Peter laid you down on a cold hard surface. You didn't want Peter to let go of you, you just wanted him to hold you. For some reason it lessened the pain. Then you felt Peter's touch as he moved your hair away from your face. Your eyes were so blurred you couldn't make out Peter's face but you knew it was him. Your eyes fluttered closed again as Peter gently placed his hand on your face.

"I'll be back in a second, okay?"

Then he placed a soft kiss on your forehead as you blackout.

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