Chapter 21: Revealed

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Your P.O.V.

Then you fell to the ground as your hands covered your ears. You blocked out all the noise around you as you broke down. The world went silent as tears flushed out of your eyes. You flinched as a hand touched your shoulder as you looked up to see Scott. He helped you to your feet then you turned around to see the wall of the room completely gone. The blue guy was blocking off metal shards being thrown at him by Erik. Hank came over to you and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"You can still heal people right?"

You nodded unsure of yourself as he placed his arms around you and Scott.

"You ready?"

Your eyes got wide as he flew all of you down to the ground in front of the explosions the blue guy was creating. Hank guided you around the flames as Scott started shooting the blue guy with his laser eyes. Your eyes made contact with Peter who was still alive. Hank left to go help this other blue girl on the ground. You stood there in shock for a second before running over to him. Your first instinct was to pull him into a hug. He tried to hug you back but when he moved his arm he flinched in pain. You let go immediately and grabbed his face. Your gaze met his confused one as a tear ran down your cheek. He still didn't seem to remember you. Hank ran over and started breaking his foot out of the ground. He delicately put his broken arm around your shoulder and other one around Hank's. You both guided him to a wall behind all of the fighting. Peter settled next to the blue girl. Hank turned to you with a look of concern.

"Stay with them, I have to go fight."

You nodded as you watched him run back over to the fight. The blue girl started rubbing her neck as you glanced over to Peter.

"What's your name?"

The girl asked as you bent down in front of them. Your hands pointed to your throat as you attempted to get words out.

"You can't talk?"

You nodded before returning your gaze back to Peter.

"Are you a mutant?"

Peter asked with a questioning glance. You gave him a quick nod before looking at his broken arm.

"What are your powers? You should be using them in the fight."

Your hand reached out to his fingers. He hesitantly held your hand as you met his baffled look. You focused on healing his arm while you kept your eyes locked with his. C'mon Peter. Remember. He flinched his arm away from you as he studied it. Your arm throbbed in pain but it was nothing compared to looking into Peter's clueless eyes.

"You can heal people!"

He let out in a shocked tone. You couldn't tell if he was astonished by your action or if he was remembering something. You nodded again as he grabbed your arm. The action caused the pain in your arm to throb more. Tears began to fall from your eyes from the pain.

"And...and you get my pain as well?"

He said in a more angry tone. You backed up from him in confusion as he mumbled.

"Of course, of course this shit would happen to me."

He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Then you remembered that his leg was also broken from carrying him to here. You reached your hand down to his leg. He caught your hand before it could graze his leg.

"Please don't."

You looked up at his eyes to see a tear fall down his cheek. Your fingers attempted to wipe it away using your free hand but he grabbed that one too.

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