Chapter 18: Rescue

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Your P.O.V.

You were all in the car a little ways away from the facility. Charles was discussing the plan with all of you. Wanda was to distract the guards from you and Hank. Hank was going to see if there were any other mutants stuck in the facility if they needed help. Your job was to find and save Peter. Charles was going to stay in the car and help you all stay low. The plan seemed simple enough to everyone.  You all nodded to each other before exiting the car. As you started walking away Charles gently grabbed your arm to pull you back.

"Y/n, be careful okay?"

"I'll be fine and after this I'll be happy to help with anything you need."

"I appreciate that, thank you."

"It's no problem. I'll see you soon Charles."

"The rest of you stay safe too!"

Then you all walked off to find the facility. Once you found it, you knocked out two guys by the back entrance. Hank looked at you in confusion.

"Did you just kill them?"

"Oh no, I just gave them enough pain to knock them out."

"You can give people pain as well?"

"Yep, now we got to get going."

Hank shrugged as you all walked into the back door. Wanda came up next to you as you walked through the halls.

"How are we going to find Peter?"

"I was just hoping by gut feeling."

"This place is huge. We can't just rely on that."

"What else do we have?"

You and Wanda exchanged a thoughtful look before all of you came to two separate hallways.

"Which way do we go?"

Hank came up to the right hallway.

"I have a feeling we should go right."

Your legs carried you slowly towards the left.

"I have a feeling I should go left."

You and Hank gave each other awkward looks. Wanda came between the two of you and thought for a moment.

"Okay maybe there are mutants down the right hallway that need our help but down the left hallway is where Peter is.."

You sighed at the complication.

"We should split up."

Hank gave you a concerned look as you let out the comment.

"That's not a good idea because we aren't in an even group, someone would have to go alone."

"I will, you and Wanda go right."

You turned to walk away but Wanda grabbed your arm.

"Y/n, I'm coming with you."

"Wanda, Peter is just one person there are a ton of other mutants here that need to be helped besides him. You should go help Hank."

Wanda sighed as she pulled you into a hug.

"Just go get him, y/n."

"I will."

She broke the hug and ran over to Hank.

"Be careful, y/n."

"I'll be fine, you two go help those other mutants."

They nodded as they ran off down the right hallway. As you turned down the left hallway you noticed the endless line of doors. He has to be here somewhere. Then you came to the end of the hallway where it split off again. But when you looked forward there was a door. You opened it out of curiosity. There was a dim light in the room. Your eyes wandered to a cage to the left. There was someone lying on the ground in the middle.

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