Chapter 2: Mutant

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Peter's P.O.V.

I have been sitting in this hospital chair for days and still no movement from y/n. She's been in a coma ever since the accident. I just want her to wake up. The doctor keeps telling me she should wake up soon but he's been saying that for the past week. I'm just worried that she might never wake up. I've been making her favorite food and putting it next to her bed hoping the smell would wake her up. I rubbed my hands down my face in frustration. This food idea is completely stupid. She will wake up when she wakes up. I really hope she wakes up. If she doesn't she will never know how I feel. I've pretty much been in love with her since the moment I met her.


My mom had made us move again. I kept stealing from places and every time they put up a warrant for my arrest, my mom would move us to a different town. This was the third time, the final according to my mom. We pulled up into the driveway of our new house. When I got out of the car I noticed another family was moving across the street as well. There was a husband and a wife with a young daughter. The little girl looked about my little sisters age. They looked like a happy family. Then a hand touched my shoulder, I turned around to see my mom carrying a box.

"C'mon Peter, go pick your room and help me carry some of these boxes inside please."

I grabbed all the boxes and placed them all in the living room. Then I ran around the house checking out the place when I stopped in the basement. The basement was enormous and wasn't all dusty. I ran back to the living room before my mother even walked into the house carrying the same box she had before. I leaned against a stack of boxes waiting for her to notice me. She looked up at me and dropped the box on the floor.


"What? I just saved you the hassle of having to carry these all in."

"Peter, what did I say about using your powers."

I go over to one of my boxes and start rummaging through my clothes.

"This was an emergency mom, you could have... broken your back or something like that."

My mom leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. I pulled out my silver jacket and put it on.

"I would've been fine Peter."

I walked over to my mom and stood in front of her.

"I'm going to go out and explore this new town."

Just as I was about to sprint out the door she put her hand on my chest to stop me. Then she reached into her pocket and pulled some money.

"Take this maybe you won't steal anything."

I chuckle and politely take the money out of her hand.

"Thanks mom, also I want the basement."

"You're going to make me carry all those boxes down there."

I immediately started grabbing all my boxes and placing them downstairs. Then I sprinted back in front of my mom again.

"Not anymore, see you later mom!"

Then my little sister walked through the door.

"Hey! I'm going out you want anything?"

Her face lit up immediately.


I laughed as I shuffled her hair.

"You got it."

Then my mom cut in.

"She's going to break her teeth if you get her more of those"

"Okay I'll get her something else."

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