Chapter 7: Play

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Your P.O.V.

Your eyes fluttered open as your alarm ringed throughout the walls of your room. You stood up in bed and stretched your arms out. Your eyes wandered to the photo on your nightstand. You smiled as you got up to choose your outfit for the day. After settling on a t-shirt and jeans, you skip down to your bathroom to do your hair and makeup. When you finish getting ready you hopped down the stairs to the kitchen where your mom was making some breakfast that smelled delicious. You couldn't stop smiling as you sat down at the dining table.

"What are you so happy about?"

Your mom asked as she stirred some scrambled eggs in a pan.

"Just stuff."

You walked over to the counter to snack on some of the food she had already prepared.

"It's a monday y/n, you shouldn't be this happy."

You stuffed your mouth full of food. Your mother shrugged as she walked upstairs to wake your siblings. Then you heard the doorbell ring. Your heart stopped as another huge grin appeared across your face. It was your boyfriend Peter coming to pick you up for school. You finished your food and grabbed your backpack. You got to the door and stopped to yell upstairs to your mom that you were leaving. As you opened the door your smile diminished when you realized it was Natalie.

"Natalie? What are you doing here?"

"We have a lot to talk about so I thought I'd give you a ride to school."

You closed the door and agreed to the ride. You'd see Peter later at school anyways. As you got in the car and started driving you turned to Natalie.

"So you and Brody?"

Then she explained how they made out and how she tried to call him the next day but he didn't pick up. She was still explaining as you were walking up to the school.

"So now I don't know what to say to him when I see him today it's driving me crazy I need something to get my mind off of this."

"Why don't I tell you about Peter and I?"

Her face lit up with excitement.

"Yes! I totally forgot about that! Tell me! Tell me!"

You laughed as you walked over to your locker with her following behind.

"Well Peter and I kinda of made out too."

You opened your locker and looked over to see Natalie's reaction. She crossed her arms and tilted up an eyebrow.

"So sex?"

You gave her a wide eyed look.

"Natalie! We did not sleep together..."

You paused to correct your statement.

"Well actually we didn't have sex."

She opened her mouth in shock.

"You slept over at his house! So that's where you were! I totally saved your butt by covering for you."

"Thanks again for that."

She giggled as you started grabbing some things from your locker.

"So I was right about you two being in love with each other."

You laughed as you looked over your shoulder to see Peter walking down the hall. A smile spread across your face.

"I guess we are."

Natalie squealed at your reply.

"You guys said the words didn't you?"

Peter caught your eye and started walking toward you.

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