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Mike's POV
After being in the hospital two months I was finally able to go home today. I was in the wheelchair in the elevator. Even though I can walk perfectly fine it was hospital policy that every patient leaves in a wheelchair. My dad Dana and Vic had gone home early so it was my mom kellin and I left. We finally made it to the last floor and my mom told kellin and I to wait in the waiting room while she pulled the car around.

"Look mike I'm really sorry about not being there for you and all this shit that is happening to you. It sucks really bad." Kellin said standing in front of me with his arms crossed. "Kellin its OK and your here now" I said and he nodded. I sighed "looks like all I have is you and oli....and tony whenever I can get to him" I said looking out the window. "Do you smell something fishy going on between Vic and Jaime too" kellin asked looking at me with concern. "Oh I know something is going on." I replied.

Tony's POV
I've been in jail for a month now awaiting a court date. Supposedly I raped Vic and tried to kill mike. Which are both lies. If Vic and mike dad wasn't a well respected man of the community honestly no one would care. I mean who are they going to believe a broke ass kid from the east side or a high end entrepreneur who has money falling out of his ass crack. Vic probably set me wait I know Vic set me up.

I heard the jail doors open and A cop came in. "Hey kid you have a visitor" I got from my bed and walked out the door. Honestly I didn't know who it was my mom came and saw me yesterday since she works a lot she can only come every other day. I wonder who it is. As I rounded the corner leading into the visitation section. I saw a face I hoped to never see again. I sat in the chair across the table from him and looked him straight in the face waiting for him to talk. He had this worried look on his face and he was tapping his finger on the table. "Hey tony" Jaime said with a nervous tone to his voice. "Hey" I said nodding. "How uh how are you? Are they feeding you well here" he asked making small talk but honestly I wanted him to cut the bullshit 'I'm just a friend looking out for another friend' act. "What is it Jaime?" I asked leaning on to the table. "I'm just here to talk" he said smiling at me. "well as you can see I Dont have time to talk I have a FUCKIN KINGDOM TO RUN" I yelled throwing my arms in the air. The guard who was standing by the door cleared his throat signaling me to quite down.

"Look I know you hate me cause of Vic but I....I just wanna change Vic hasn't be himself and I don't know what's going on" Jaime said looking as if he was going to tear up at any moment. "He just uhh seem like he just went crazy" Jaime added. "Well obviously something happened my best friend Vic would've never in a million years put me behind bar not even if I killed his dog and took a baseball bat to his BMW. I dont know what's going on know I didn't rape him right and damn sure didn't try killing mike. But no one believes me" I said looking down at the hard concrete table. "I do..I know your innocent for sure" Jaime whispered. I looked at him confused. He sighed leaning across the table closer to me. "Vic lied about you and he...uh he tried killing mike" Jaime whispered to me. At that moment I felt so much pain I was almost to tears. "Mike almost died cause of him and when mike was in a comma he tried smothering him but I stopped him...I Dont wanna live with the lies anymore he has to be stopped or else he might just....ho batshit crazy" Jaime confessed. "Look Jaime you gotta get me outta here so we can help him" I said "how" he asked. I strugged "I Dont know make him drop the rape charges and since mikes not dead the other charges should drop right?" I asked. He nodded "I'll try" he said. The guard came over to us "Mr Perry visitation is over" he said pulling me up from the table. "Hey Jaime tell mike to come see me" I said walking to the door. "I don't know I can they are watching him like hawk now that he is home" he yelled across the room. "MAKE HIM" I yelled as the guard finally pulled me out the door.

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