Chapter 15

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Karkat mentioned his crab watch in their earlier conversation and that got Dave thinking.

After the game Dave was furious that Karkat had mysteriously not made. His emotions got the best of him and made him reckless and the recklessness made him rip off the communicator watch he had made and throw it to the ground. Repeatedly. It was broken ever since. Now Karkat had mentioned that his never worked but maybe, just maybe, it was just that Dave's own communicator wasn't working properly so obviously he never received Karkat's messages. If he could find and fix his communicator then he could finally receive Karkat's messages. Sure they might not be useful now but in all honesty, Dave was curious as to exactly what Karkat was trying to communicate. That wasn't the only reason why he was doing this though, maybe having both their communicators working will give Dave more confidence in leaving Karkat alone, that way they could be in constant reach of one another and nothing could happen. The only problem here was that A) Dave had no idea if Karkat still had the damn crab communicator and B) Dave had next to no idea if he had his own communicator. He had an idea though.

"Karkat," Dave knocked on the door once before it swung open. It had only been a couple of days since Karkat decided to open up a bit but ever since then he's seemed a bit more at ease. At least he didn't answer his door with his weapon in hand. "Listen man, I need to ask you something really quick." Karkat nodded and stepped aside to let Dave in. "The other day you said that your crab watch didn't work right? Well I was thinking, it probably wasn't yours that wasn't working it was mine!" The troll raised an eyebrow and was about to speak when Dave cut him off. "To make an incredibly long and unnecessarily boring story short, I may have of broken it and shit but that's cool. I think I know where it is! Now I just need to know if you have your watch. You do still have it right?" Dave was clinging onto the shred of hope that Karkat kept the contraption even if it was completely useless to him. Maybe he kept it out of spite? Who knows as long as he kept it.

"Of course I kept it." Dave cracked a smile. "I still don't know why I need it though. Or why either of us need it."

"Because the ass and crab watches are something great for the both of us to use to be in constant communication. I was planning on buying you like, the latest smartphone or some shit but I feel like these will be better for us. For now at least. They're just to hold you off until you're more accustomed to life at me Earth." The troll shrugged and went to kneel down besides Dave's bed, crawling underneath and moving the junk away to find his crab communicator. A moment or two of scouring through the mess and Karkat pulled out the small purple crab. Dave's heart leapt with joy when he saw the small contraption. God it's been ages since he saw it and it brought back happy memories of dumb make believe scenarios of secret agents and Rose putting in little effort to be the villain along with late night conversations about personal topics. Fuck he missed that.

"Okay, I have it. Now where's your?" Dave simply shrugged and grabbed Karkat's hand, gently of course. He didn't want to accidentally press on a bruise he might have there or something.

"That's the fun part of this whole thing. It might be in storage."

"What do you mean 'might be'?"

"I mean I packed away all my old shit and gave it to Rose. I'm pretty sure she put all that stuff in storage along with everything else everyone didn't want but then again I have no fucking clue. Here comes the fun part, you and I get to dig around through the boxes and look. Plus you get to be out and about in the world." Hesitation was clear on Karkat's face. In all his time here he didn't actually think about going outside. What if he was to snap again? An innocent troll, human, or carapacian could get hurt. Karkat didn't want that.

On the other hand, this could be good. Like he kept trying to remind himself; he had to get used to living life as normally as possible. And if he wanted to do that he'd have to go out into the world and explore. This task didn't seem that difficult anyway, just go out to the storage block, dig through some boxes and that was it. Plus he would have Dave with him the entire time. This would be a piece of cake.

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