Chapter 19

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Days passed since Karkat's small breakdown happened and "evil" Dave had yet to make a reappearance. The two articulate ladies, however, made their presence very aware. Every single day since Karkat had told them which troll had managed to woo over the other universe's Vriska they were hungry for more information. And Karkat indulged them, telling the two of them practically everything.

Vriska, or more known as "The Persuader", was the mastermind behind the war. She was clever and meticulous with her battle strategies. Half of their army was brainwashed. She just mind controlled them and forced them to fight for her. Of course there was a group of trolls who had the same mind set as the two insane leaders but it was quite a small handful. A vast majority were forced, or more "persuaded" with her mind powers. It was disgusting what she did. Hundreds of innocent trolls died for a cause they never even believed in but she didn't care. She could just force another to join in a dead troll's place.

Gamzee was Vriska's matesprit in the other world, and together the two of them were unstoppable. It was frightening actually. Gamzee was frightening. He turned out much like The Grand Highblood, or what Karkat imagined he was like. Gigantic, viscous, merciless, barbaric. Gamzee's official name over there was simple "The Purple Blood", maybe people were too terrified to give him a proper name and the very sight of his certain shade of purple caused slight panic in everyone. Especially in Karkat.

Gamzee was no stranger to his chucklevoodoos there. In fact he used them regularly, every single day when the red blooded troll would attempt to have at least a few moments of peaceful rest, The Purple Blood would attack in nightmares that still haunted him to this very day. Countless nightmares of death and unspeakable violence were the main dreams he had, but the ones that really affected Karkat were the ones that involved those already dead. Or better yet, those close to his heart.

Dave was the first to be mutilated by Gamzee. Karkat's once loving image of the Strider was quickly tainted once The Purple Blood knew exactly what Dave was to Karkat. He used Dave against him and now Karkat couldn't even look Dave in the eye because of the disgusting projection of Dave that still walks his mind. Next of course, was Sollux and Equius. Karkat could say it was a prediction. His dreams with his two quadrantmates often involved death. Death of the two of them by Karkat's hands. He never wanted to do it, he just did. It was like some horrible unseen force was making him slice his lover's skin off or break every bone in his best friend's body. The nightmares only worsened after the two of them died. Gamzee knew all too well that Karkat felt immensely guilty of their deaths and he exploited it. He made The Marksman and The Architect appear and reappear in Karkat's dreams constantly. Always reminding him that it was his fault that they were dead. His fault that their bodies were dumped in some hole and only half buried in the dirt.

He was a brute. A giant, overly violent brute. Karkat was just glad he put and end to his reign of terror. His stupid war against Her Imperial Radiance was just, well, stupid. Both of the trolls were just not right in the head. They could not stand the fact that everything was at peace. They couldn't stand the fact that everyone was always going to be fine and the empire would remain as it would. They, for some reason, believed that there should be some sort of chaos. They needed the destruction. They needed high bloods to be the alpha trolls of society. They wanted low bloods to quiver in fear every time a certain blood color was mentioned. They wanted to be in charge, to be the all powerful high bloods. They just couldn't have those trolls categorized as "low bloods" running among their obvious superior peers. In the two trolls' eyes they believed they were doing a great justice to society, but in reality they were bringing down the only shred of hope the universe had of ever being at least somewhat pure.

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