Chapter 24

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Dave just couldn't believe it. He couldn't. He could not for the life of him wrap his head around what was currently happening.

Dave Strider was currently sleeping, or at least trying to sleep, in his bed with Karkat. Karkat, who had his back pressed against his chest and was snoring softly. Dave was grinning like an idiot. This was happening. This was actually happening.

Dave snaked an arm around Karkat's waist and gently tugged him closer. The troll didn't stir from his slumber. He slept on, shifting to get comfortable again. Dave laughed quietly and breathlessly. This was amazing. He didn't know what he did that changed Karkat so suddenly and so drastically. Dave's little rant in the car earlier was just him spewing out the feelings he'd been holding in for so long. He didn't know talking would actually fix things!

Dave reached his free arm up and brushed some hair off of the sleeping troll's face. This was just so...great. This was everything Dave wanted. Karkat to be comfortable again. Karkat to be happy and actually be himself again. The human closed his eyes, the smile still plastered on his face. That night he fell asleep happy and with brand new hope for his future and his future with Karkat.


Several weeks later, nearly a month, and things with Karkat were only improving. Ever since that night in the car he'd just been feeling so...refreshed? No. That wasn't right. It was like he had just stepped out the shower, he washed away the old and vicious Karkat and was now his old self. It was almost as if his seven sweep old self had reemerged from his prison deep in Karkat's thinkpan and successfully kicked the ass of the troll who lived a life of misery. Things for him finally started to be looking up. Even his relationship with Dave was slowly being repaired.

Karkat understood Dave's feelings. He knew Dave liked-- loved-- him. He knew Dave was willing to wait as long as it took to get another chance with Karkat, he knew Dave was that determined. The troll however, was skeptical. Dave had just reconnected with him, how could be possibly expect to rekindle the red relationship he once had with Karkat? Karkat had no clue, but he was more or less sure the old matespritship between them would happen soon.

The two of them were closer than ever now. Karkat allowed Dave back in his own room and the two of them shared the bed during the night. The troll was doing it mainly because of that certain night's events, it felt appropriate. They had a heart-to-heart and Karkat didn't want to feel guilty because Dave had just metaphorically spilled his guts to Karkat and in turn Karkat would just dump him in the living room.

Okay so it was more what Karkat thought would look bad. So what? It wasn't a bad idea. That night he slept peacefully, he didn't even remember having a dream that night. The extra warmth of Dave's human body comforted him. It was nice and he had to admit, he kind of missed it. When he was out in the day, sitting outside her Imperial Radiance's tent he would sometimes daydream of his days on the meteor with Dave. He smile and remember falling asleep in Dave's arms on the couch as they watched yet another shitty movie. Then Karkat would remember what Dave was (or what that scum sucking purple blood wanted Karkat to think Dave was) and he'd shake the thought out of his head, returning his full attention to standing guard. God, that all seemed so long ago.

Karkat was; however; still thoroughly confused about his feelings for Dave. A part of him still saw Dave as the horrifying ally of his enemies who just loved to torture and kill him in every way possible, but another part saw him as a sweet young man who was probably a bit too determined to do tasks that seemed nearly impossible. A nagging voice in his mind informed him that Karkat wasn't confused on Dave, but himself, but that was an internal struggle he'd rather face another day. For now he was happy hugging Dave goodbye when he left for work and falling asleep next to him at night.

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