Chapter 21

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It was like... two gigantic red light bulbs with small specks of deep purple in the middle were peering down at him. The giant mass of messy hair was filled with more blood, bones, and body parts that ever. The traditional white juggalo paint that decorated The Purple Blood's face was smeared and mixed with a rainbow of blood. His clothes were ripped and stained with even more blood. He was gigantic himself. Karkat expected no less from the hemospectrum's designated killing machine but seven feet was a bit too tall for him being this young.

All of this was intimidating of course but the thing that really scared Karkat was the weapon. It was a giant blood splattered club with broken pieces of swords imitating spikes sticking out of it. It was big and it could rip Karkat in half if it hit him at just the right angle. The good thing was that since it appeared to be heavy, big lump of violence in front of him would move a hell of  a lot slower.

Getting killed was not a concern at the moment. No, the concern right now was the cerulean blood who barely hit six foot two with her signature red high heeled boots on. She was the real threat. Though she didn't have her own sword at hand her mind was her real weapon. Karkat was at her command if he failed to block her persuading grip. If he let his mind get distracted he would be marching up to Her Imperial Radiance and slicing her head off and no one would be able to stop him.

"Relax Peacekeeper." Her voice was sickly sweet, almost sounding like a mother's voice when her wriggler bumps its head on furniture. "We have not come to do harm, have we sweetheart?" The seven foot  troll shook his head. She chuckled and took a step forward. "Forgive us for intruding on your walk home, but my dear matesprit and I have only come to deliver a message to you."

"No thanks. I don't want any message you have to deliver me bitch." The Purple Blood growled and raised his club ever so slightly but she raised her hand, stopping him.

"Oh, but you will just loooooooove to hear this little message from us. Trust me." The Persuader smiled sweetly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "You see, you have a small secret. A secret you keep from the Empire. And I know it." The Peacekeeper tensed up, his mind instantly flashing a picture of Sollux's face. "The Warlorde knows your matesprit to be Terezi Pyrope. The troll you saved from execution by claiming she was your matesprit. Now, if he ever happens to find out that this was a lie and you saved a potentially guilty troll from much needed execution...that can end badly. For you, for your matesprit, and for that poor girl you saved from a beheading."

"What's the entire point of this Persuader? Are merely trying to fuck up my life even more? Or do you want something?"

"Oh my dear dear enemy. This is simply persuasion. Perhaps one forget to send out troops to scout for my own camps. Maybe you forget to train one day or "accidentally" not get all of your weapons and armor repaired. Just small things like that."

"That's all incredibly stupid. And you're even more of an idiot if you believe I would ever betray the Empress."

"Hm, yes I know your loyalty lies strictly with that peace loving bimbo but I assumed you just didn't want your own matesprit to die. Especially when you could have of prevented such a thing."

"Are you so scared of being defeated and killed by me that you would stoop as low to come to me and attempt to blackmail me? Pathetic."

"The only pathetic troll here is the one lying to an entire empire and hiding the troll he truly loves." She turned around and began walking into the thickness of the woods, her matesprit following obediently behind her. "Think about what I've said Peacekeeper. I can tell you now that this war will only get worse from here."

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