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I have been travelling but now I'm home so....

anyways a cute chapter:

I'm not doing any like understanding bio thing because I'm lazy

I remember the first time i saw you,Passed out after destroying the minotaur.You were a scrawny boy,so confused ,so lost.I realised there was a something very different about you.You could pass of as a demeter child with dark hair and green eyes,But deep down i always knew something was special about you.And it wasn't about your parentage.

Time ticked and you got claimed,As the son of poseidon i might add,My mothers enemy.Even though our parents had a rival I couldn't help but admire you.We went on our first quest and i grew a little bit closer to you.We both were troubled ,each of us hab=ving different problems yet we related to each others problems.

I missed my best friend Thalia,I knew she was gone and I had to let go soon.Grudgingly i became closer to percy.
I was 12

Before I knew it a year had passed.The camp was in serious trouble.Thalia's pine was slowly dying,Luke went missing.My life was falling apart at age 13.Percy showed up and brought a cyclopes with him.How he trusted a monster scared me.Thalia died because of his type.I promised myself Any cyclopes was bad.

Percy would tell me his dreams on how grover was gone as I searched for cures.

Soon action had to be launched before everyone got killed by a monster.Clarrise got sent out.I knew the quest would be deadly,I mean heading to the bermuda triangle or the sea of monsters where the fleece and grover lay.

Percy,Tyson and I had to go and save the camp,For Thalia and Grover.

So many things happened and everything went by too fast.We got the fleece and revived Thalia.And through all of this was Percy Jackson.
I was 13

I remember finding Nico.We danced together I savoured that moment while almost dying.Who knew you cared so much to find me and break the rules.
I knew you cared when you held the sky for me.
We were 14

You were there for me when Luke was gone.Evil.Fighting against us.
We went through a maze that drove people insane.With my phrophecy I knew I could die.

You being my oblivious seaweed brain,Didn't take a hint from that kiss.You flew off the mountain,I had no idea where you were.When you crashed your funeral I was over joyed.

You had a broken look.Like your heart got cut,And is healed leaving a small scar.
When I saw you with Rachel my heart pounded.It reminded me of one of the episodes in full house,Where becky betted 1800$ for Jesse.Becky told Jesse that she was so jealous she wanted to claw her competitions eyes out.

I still had a sense of hope.
We were 15.

The day was approaching and danger was lurking.It really wasn't safe for you to be lurking out without the safety of camp half blood.
I was happy when you came back,Though when you arrived without beckendorf,We knew it was time for the war.
You heard the phrophecy and Got ready for battle I admitted for the first time in my life.I was wrong.I was wrong about what I felt about you.I didn't have a school girl crush.I was in love.We fought and fought.
I was battling when I saw Ethan throw a knife at you.I knew something was wrong.Jumping in front of the blade was the best decision I made when I found out about your Achilles heal.
That night we kissed.We got together.Both of us were in bliss.
Rachel was our new oracle that gave us a new phrophecy.
We were 16

Then Hera took you And we got Jason and piper .And Leo.I was never seen with a smile.Life was not fair,They took you away before we got to be together properly.Re uniting with you was a blessing I will count.

Then we had to travel the world saving the gods and the worlds butts yet again.A moment to cherish was I the stables with you.Then getting caught by frank.Though I had a quest on my mind.As selfish as it sounds,I wish i could forget about this and escape with you.

Finally my time arrived and I had to go and complete the quest.

I knew you loved me when you fell into tartarus with me,I was scared.Nico was going to get the rest of the seven safely to the other side of the doors of death.

We saw Bob and he helped us along with Damasen.We suffered but achieved so much.When we got out.I knew Bob would continue.

Then the battle was approaching and we were constantly having our mind wander to there.I knew some of us had to go.

Then we had to get injured and wake Gaea.WE took her down but Leo still died.

Now 5 years later here we are saying our vows and creating something permanent.

There we go!!!! Hope you love it!Percy's POV next?

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