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So this chapter will be a bunch of headcannons with stories to go with them.
Headcannon 1:
When blackjack had kids,Percy asked blackjack if he could give Reyna one on his babies blackjack agreed.The next morning Reyna woke up to see a smirking Percy holding a baby Pegasi.
One night Percy went to check on blackjack and his lover,Strawberry.Only to discover strawberry had her kids.Strawberry had a total of
7 pegasus.
After a short chat with his Pegasus about giving Reyna one of strawberries children.Blackjavk agreed happily.Percy chose a peanut coloured Pegasi,In honour of her old one.
The next morning Reyna came to CHB because Percy IM'ed her saying they had important news.As she arrived Percy handed her the Pegasi which she named chunky.

Headcannon 2
Nico:I'm really jealous of you
Nico:Because you have the best boyfriend
Nico:Mine is eh
nico:*Walks away*
Will:You are my boyfriend
Will:I'm your boyfriend
Will:Come back here

Nico was in a really sassy mood.He already shocked Jason  and Percy.It was 2:30,His shift with will at the infirmary.Will was cutting some bandages when Nico started conversation."Will,I'm jealous of you."Nico blurted out
"How come?"Will said turning his head to look at nico for a few seconds "You have the best boyfriend.He's awesome and so nice,But my boyfriends eh"
Will sighed dreamily agreeing with nico for the first part.Will only got snapped out of his dream when the door closed see showing mix had left."Wait what."Will realised what had happened and ran outside to chase nico.

Headcannon 3

Piper's father had an addiction to statues, and being an award winning actor meant he could afford owning a collection.When Piper took the seven to her house after the war ,Percy almost had a heart attack when he sawn of the statues Tristan McLean owned was labelled 'The Poker Player'

The war was over and Piper decided to invite the rest of the seven to her house.When they entered Piper explained how her famous father Tristan McLean loved statues.Piper lead them through multiple passage ways taking them to a certain room."This is my fathers favourite statues."Piper explained she named each one.She came to the last one."This one my father loves.I present to you 'The poker player'"Percy collapsed muttering smelly gabe.

I present to you 'The poker player'"Percy collapsed muttering smelly gabe

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