T W E N T Y - T H R E E

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Maybe reflecting on this family wasn't the greatest decision
I lost someone important to me in an emotional sense and I had this to fall back on. I needed to write something Long and something with significance. I'm ending this book at 25. Thank you for this opportunity.
A small boy or girl opened the book. The scent of the pages wafted through the air and the soft glow of the setting sun illuminated the words. They read with anticipation as they met a young boy. They felt pity for him. They learnt that he was an outcast and there they found the first bit of themselves in the pages. He was shunned and sent away with fear and disappointment and there they understood emotion was good.
They see this boy go and be happy only to have someone ripped away from his grasp. His fingers trying to hold air, reaching for a shred of hope. The readers understand it hurts to lose someone. It's pain that's indescribable , maybe you were prepared for it or maybe it happened to fast.
They lost someone emotionally or physically and they let their vulnerability shine through. They lock down when they realised that they're vulnerable.
They learn to fight. Maybe here is when they learn. They understand that it stings and it hurts and it sucks but you power through because someone else understands and they can be there for you. The lesson the child learns is experience. You may know nothing but you gain from mistakes.
What stings and makes everything worse and better is betrayal.
Everyone's felt it. It's what made the story feel real. The fact a betrayal was embedded into it, making the reader go back on a memory they attempt to lose. I hoped I would never have to feel it again. I discover myself through these pages of the lightning thief .

When the reader puts that book down they let their walls crumble. They've escaped this world that reflects emotion and they let themselves fall in love, infatuated with the characters the pick up the next book. Here they see acceptance. You are loved and are valid. People will accept and love you.
Though hidden under it is a nuance of insecurity. Having to maintain an image or facade because if you let your walls down and show people you, they won't accept it.
We see a girl, the epitome of perfect. smart, sweet,kind, beautiful, loved.
But if she was loved then why did she have to run away? Scream and cry every night for someone to hear her?
We found our insecurities through her.
She vies for a perfect life, love and happiness. Yet reality pulls her back.
We learn about our insecurities in the sea of monsters.

We sob and we begin a dance meeting the children of death. The reader stops to breathe and resurface, they get a whiff, a glimmer of hope. We follow our hearts through the girl who runs. The girl killed by love. We mourn through her brother and we realise how truly messed up the world is. They die and fight yet no one acknowledges the hero, the woman who holds the sky.
We learn to fight through her.
Because love kills and hurts and it breaks you but it heals and saves and makes you giddy. Maybe love only kills when you begin the feeling of regret. I write this aimed at someone, and they may never see this but my only regret was loving you, when you were incapable to love me back.
The reader grows.
We learn about love in The titans curse.

We rest. We separate and take our time but we always find our way home. The moon is bright and a painful reminder if a parting, a loss.
We find ourselves in a foreign land with the two we love.
But is it? Or are we desperate to latch on to something?
We navigate through the obstacles and we learn it's worse apart. There are days I wish I never knew your name.
It teaches us about a home. Not a house or building or material object, but a place to call our own. A safe place, an area of love and care and a place to separate.
We learn about finding our way home in the Battle of the Labyrinth.

The peace is unsettling, closure is in the horizon and dawn is approaching rapidly. You shake yourself and beg the dream to end because it feels fake.
But alas, we reach the battlefield with bruised and bloodied corpses and soldiers. We have to make a choice wether to fix the issue or move on. I beg to move yet they chain me to stay. But I find love through the ruins. I find people who care and will fight, people who kill and strike. I find hate and I wish for it to end.
We get closure from The Last Olympian.

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