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ill double update because this is short

Hera's POV

Olympus shook with noise as the gods argued.Athena and Poseidon bickered about Perseus' new gift to Annabeth.Hades and Persephone hadn't arrived and that sent Demeter into fits with cereal spewing aggressively out of her fingers.Apollo made some dumb comment about his sister's hunters and Artemis had enough, with arrows being shot directly at Apollos 'sunshine' and clothes so it would pin him on the wall.Aphrodite was comfortably yelling at Ares about their fling ending and trying to move closer to Hephaestus.Zeus was attempting to silence the room while I sat, ignoring the cheating man.

"Enough!" I screamed as my head grew with pulsing pains from the noise."My husband apparently wants to talk." I snapped bitterly emphasizing his position in my life.

Zeus flushed red in embarrassment and the ground rumbled.

"Oh get over yourself and finish this meeting" I snapped trying to stop a natural disaster.The shaking stopped and Zeus began his long boring speech.

"Where in Hades is Hades?" Hermes said laughing at his own joke.

"Men..." Artemis muttered and threw an annoyed glance at Apollo who was still pinned against the wall.

Zeus cleared his throat and snapped his fingers leaving Apollo in a crumpled mess on the floor."Meeting dismissed."

"Hardly a meeting, just another hour wasted on bickering while you fantasize the next girl you cheat on me with!" I yelled, finally facing him.

The other Olympians shuffled out in fear of this fight.I had risen to her feet and was about ready to murder the latest mortal he tried to seduce.

" So you marry me, the goddess of marriage and yet you've struggled to keep our marriage alive? I loved and cared for you, yes past tense!" I ranted adding the last comment at his confused face.He just sat gaping like a fish.

"So if you cheat on me one more time, I swear to Hades, Zeus! you will never see me again" My voice went low and threatening. A rumble shook the floor and Hades popped out.

"Stop using my name in vain and please get some couple therapy honestly!"

Persephone laughed and looked at Hades.

"Don't ever cheat on me."

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