T W E N T Y - O N E

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Percy loved Annabeth and almost everyone knows that, despite the trip to hell and every little fight-they were a very open couple.
Their awkward phase was short and innocent, only for that too be tainted by the joys of a teenage relationship.They would change in the same room and still be very collected about it.
Though let me tell you about my favourite moments, the small innocent forehead kisses all the way too them basically being reckless teens.
The first story happens when Percy has to go to school, due to painful nightmares that rip them apart at night-Annabeth lived with him in a small apartment near Sally's.
Percy stood, shirtless and brushing his hair while Annabeth stand next to him in nothing but her undergarments while putting on mascara.
"I'm picking you up today,okay seaweed brain?" Annabeth spoke while closing the bottle of the mascara.Percy hummed in reply.
Annabeth moved away from her vanity and pulled a simple forest green t-shirt over Percy's head. Once he had fully put on the shirt she leaned in and pecked him on the lips.
Percy leaned back in and let their lips meet again in an innocent embrace. Annabeth has leaned further in making the soft kiss into a more sloppy and heated one.His hands had snaked around her waist and she jumped up leaving her legs around his hips.She pulled away for a breath while Percy pushed her onto the sink letting her sit there.
They untangled their limbs form each other, as Percy said his goodbyes.

This next moment was the most innocent.
They were back in camp, cuddling in Percy's cabin.Annabeth had let her perfect curls fall over percy's chest while he pushed small kisses on her forehead.He continued on to pepper her face with small pecks while she let out small giggles in her tired haze.
"i love you Annabeth."
"i love you too Perce"
Finally my favourite- the most flustered moments

Annabeth adored leggings, and apparently Percy adored her in them. He would talk about how perfect she is, down to every dip and curve.When in private he always threw a few comments on how defined her body curves were and how it drives him crazy.
Percy was almost always in tight swim trunks.Even if he's training he's always either in a camp t-shirt or no shirt and swim trunks.Annabeth swooned at this sight almost every time. His lean and muscular legs  and how they hug his calves just right.
In the end none of those garments are on.

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