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 lowercase intended and im sorry.my co writer gave up before even trying and this book is flopping please tell me if i should end it

soulmate au where the world has no colour until you meet your soulmate (solangelo)

Nico's POV

The feeling of not fitting in is one many people feel, but when everyone sees a different world it's so much harder.Every morning I hear people talk about blue skies and a shining sun, I didn't know what blue skies looked like.I had never seen anything of colour.It was always shades of black and grey that soaked up my vision.The blandness of my life made falling in love harder.When my mom was alive she assured me that one day colour would be something I adored.She always would dress me up in colour and even though I didn't know what I was put in the light tint always hinted to me that my mom made me happy.The day she left all I had left was plain black shirts and black jeans.I hated being so bland.Bianca my sister loved me as much as mom and took care of me when my dad worked.Once I started feeling happy once more Bianca was gone too.They took her like mom.I hated them for that.

School was hell to me.I had friends, Annabeth and Percy met at age 12 and colours danced through them.Piper and Jason met later on and colours slowly built.The second Frank laid eyes on Hazel they both saw colour.Leo was lucky and met Calypso three days ago and he told me nothing was black anymore.I was jealous.

It was early on in the day and I had sat to eat with my father.He was good.He loved me and always was an open ear.Glancing at the clock quickly, I grabbed my bag and ran out the door. 


"Yeah Nico?" He said looking at me with concern laced on his tongue.

"Can my friends come over today, I want you there too.I have a surprise.Thanks!" I yelled rushing out the door leaving my dad to chuckle and yell back an okay.

Happier than usual I skipped into Homeroom where my friends huddled together chattering.

"Woah Nico why so bubbly?" Jason laughed obviously happy at the change of attitude.

"I have a surprise for you guys after school!" I giggled. wait. GIGGLED?

"Did you just-?" Piper questioned with shock reflected on her face.

Everyone had the same expression mirrored on their face leaving me to finish.

"Giggle? Yeah and close your mouths" I snapped back rolling my eyes playfully.

-Time skip- 

"Step into my candy storeeeee!" I sang loudly with everyone singing along piled at the back of my car.

When we got home I set up a camera and took a cake out the fridge.

"CAKE!!!" yelled someone as I swatted hands away.

My dad walked in and a wave of nervousness set over me.Taking a deep breath I clicked a button leaving the camera on recording.I pulled open the opaque dome hiding the cake.Looking at the floor I waited for a reaction.

"I like..." Percy read confused.

"You idiot he's confirming his sexuality! We need to cut the cake to find out!" Annabeth explained.

I felt Hazel give me a hug and my dad look proud as he let the knife glide through the icing.The Blue cake was exposed leaving me smiling wide as my friends went crazy in pride.

"I knew it! My boys a homosexual and that don't bother me none!"My dad yelled happily quoting my favourite musical.

I laughed.A true laugh for the first time in years.

My life got much better after Will Solace laid his eyes on mine letting color bond us together.

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