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January was a good month, besides the whole realization that I wanted Chris. I still refused to say I loved him. That word is too overused. I've had people tell me they love me and then just bail. I needed him, wanted him, I figured that was enough. The weirdest thing was I felt normal again when shooting restarted. The morning sickness was still there but not bad and my skin was clearing up. I actually looked pregnant, not just like I overindulged. My hair was starting to go back to it's natural color. So I had to wear a wig after all. We were flying through my scenes. Scar made sure I was taking care of myself and Seb had decided that eating contests with me were fun.

"How did you eat that pizza so fast?" Seb said around a mouthful of crust. We were in my trailer, I was waiting for someone to come and take promotional shots of me, he was discussing a new play he was considering. The eating contest was a spur of the moment thing.

"I skipped breakfast and it was only a small." I took a drink of water and leafed through the script of the play. "It looks good, I say do it. I miss being onstage."

"Maybe after the kid is born you should take a break? New York is sort of known for it's live theater." Seb shrugged and leaned back into the couch. I did the same and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I'm tired."

"If you fall asleep I'm still letting them take the photos of you. It'll be like Weekend at Bernie's."

"Just nothing embarrassing, please."

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen. First pose you're going to have your head in my lap."

"I just got rid of the rumors about me and Evans, I don't need new ones. People will think I'm fucking my way through the MCU."

"Or just had an Avengers orgy."

"First issue, 90% of them are married or involved. Second issue, there's a serious male to female ratio problem so everyone better be into experimenting. Final issue, I'm pregnant."

"Some people are into all that...I need to get some images out of my head, give me a minute. That is why I stay away from the fan-fiction."

"Some of it is well written." I laughed.

"Wait, are you letting the world know now? About-" He gestured to my bump.

"No, but pregnancy sort of outs itself, you know?"


Chris and I were hanging out more. I could tell he was hurt that I had sort of shied away the first months of the pregnancy. I was learning to tolerate Natalie but she wasn't with him all the time, thank God. He even flew back to L.A. with me for my four month appointment. He said he wanted to see it live, not on a disc. He stared at the sonogram monitor, watching it move a bit.

"You may start to feel kicks in the next few weeks, Alysa. And at the next appointment we may be able to tell the sex of the baby. Unless you want to be surprised." Dr. Kyle smiled at me. Chris' head whipped around.

"You gotta find out! Alysa we could stop calling it...it. And we could start decorating the room and buying shit. Sorry doc."

"You and Sofia are going to get into a fight over who gets to throw my shower and decorate the room, I can see it happening." We walked out of the building the doctor's office was in. We were staying the night in L.A. and going back to Georgia in the morning.

"And who gets to be in the delivery room, hint, me." He stage whispered.

"How about no one? No one needs to see my vag in that condition." We climbed into my car and I drove to his place to drop him off.

"I won't look...much...I promise." He waggled his eyebrows behind his sunglasses.

"You have a girlfriend Christopher. And you've seen it plenty of times before. I want you to remember her in her prime." I stopped at his house. He looked at me.

"Aren't you getting out?"

"No, I'm going home to sleep." I yawned.

"Nah, stay here and hang out. I'll be bored if you leave." He pushed his lower lip into a pout.

"You'll be bored if I stay, because I'll fall asleep." But I was getting out of the car. I didn't care where I slept quite frankly. The jet lag was getting to me. We ended up watching movies, me on one part of the sectional, stretched out. Him on another part, our heads touching. I fell asleep somewhere along the way. It was nice. I felt close to him.


Month five, brought the realization that I didn't get much of a reprieve from the annoyances of pregnancy. Back pain and joint pain just showed up one day. I was getting ready to be done filming since I was tripping over my own feet. Seb and Chris stole a production golf cart and took turns driving me where I needed to go. The baby was kicking a lot, I had thought it was gas, another annoyance of pregnancy. But it became more obvious as the month went on. Principal filming was wrapping up. Jet setting would soon begin and I would settle into the condo in Los Angeles. It was sort of a relief. Being around Chris was confusing since I had suddenly become easily aroused. Sometimes just smelling him had me on the verge of climaxing, but then again a soft breeze in the right direction did it too. Kissing scenes with him usually ended with me alone in my trailer for 20 minutes or so. March was my fifth month and signaled a wrap for me. The last shot was a kiss with me and Chris. He pulled me in close and I was really into it when the baby kicked and Chris went still. My bump was pressed against his stomach. They called cut and he looked at my stomach.

"Did I feel that, like something ran across your stomach?"

"I'm surprised you felt it, I guess it was a pretty big one." I put my hands on my stomach and Chris shoved them out of the way so his could rest on the bump. "Chris...we're in public."

"It stopped."

"Well, if you seem to eager it stops. It refuses to perform on command." I brushed his hands away and went to gather my things from my trailer.

"I like this kid, but I want to feel it when I come back. Teach it to listen." He demanded as he helped with my luggage.

"I am so glad I'm finding out the sex next week."

"You text me when you know, or call me during the appointment...yeah, that's better."

"Alysa, oh, we're going to miss you." Natalie approached us, smiling. "When we get back we'll have to have you over to the house in L.A."

"Whose house?" I smiled, completely lost.

"I forgot to tell you Lys. When we get back Natalie is going to move into my west coast house. The lease is up on her place and-" Chris shrugged.

"Wow! Congratulations guys." I smiled and put a hand on my stomach, the kid was kicking like a fiend. I breathed , I think the news had made my anxiety rocket. I started to talk to the baby in my head. 'It's fine, just fine, he's never in L.A. only for shoots and such. She's like a tenant. If she was moving into the Boston house...that's your daddy's home. Maybe he's not so sure about her after all.'

I noticed Natalie and Chris looking at me funny, they must have asked me something.

"Alysa? Is it doing it again?!" He moved my bags to one arm and put the free hand on my stomach.

"Are you going to drive me to the airport like this?" I looked down at his hand. Scar came over and shoved Chris off me. She felt the bump and the kicking. She smiled and hugged me.

"You have a few months now to reevaluate decisions, use them wisely." She whispered in my ear. She winked and left with a promise that I call her after the OB appointment. "I felt it kick Evans, in yo face!"

"Mean." Chris muttered.

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