One Night Reunion

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Chris and I were both fidgeting in the back of the SUV on the way to the premiere

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Chris and I were both fidgeting in the back of the SUV on the way to the premiere. It had been a tough week. The panel and the press gauntlet had been the worst. We had no way of controlling the questions. There were so many questions about our little family. Chris almost punched someone who asked if the baby was his since we weren't together during my pregnancy. I almost punched someone who said that I was lucky Chris forgave me for lying. Now the red carpet. At least we wouldn't have time to answer any questions about our personal life. Chris put on his sunglasses as we got ready to get out.

"How long have you had these?" I pulled them off his face and put them on.

"Hey, rude. They're my favorites." He reached for them and I handed my aviator sunglasses to him.

"Wear these. I want to see if anyone notices I stole yours." His door opened and he slipped my sunglasses on. He gripped my hand tight as we got out. There was an explosion of noise and camera flashes. I'm glad I stole his sunglasses, they smelled like his shampoo and they made me feel protected. I led the way down the carpet, smiling and posing. Chris' hand tightened occasionally and I would lean into him. Our first red carpet as a couple went good. I knew tomorrow photos of us would be everywhere. We made it back to the hotel and fell asleep. Tomorrow we would get to see Aurora again.


"She grew." Chris whined as he carried Aur into the house.

"Haha, Bada." Aurora giggled and slapped Chris' face with her little hands. I finished carrying in the bags and collapsed on the couch.

"Close, Dada." Chris sat on the floor next to me with Aur on his lap.

"Nononono." Aur shook her head and wriggled away from him. He watched her go over to her crawl through toy. She used it to stand up.

"Hey, look at that." I smiled as she craned her head to look at us.

"She stands, look she stands!" Chris exclaimed and clapped before crawling over to her. "Who's a smart baby?"

I laughed as she tried to move and fell on her butt. She gave up on the standing and crawled over to one of her toys.

"She is getting fast, we should race her and Dodger." Dodger lifted his head where he laid splayed out on the floor, then went back to sleep.

"I can't go." Chris was lying on the floor still, watching Aur. I sat up and went to sit with him. He laid his head on my lap and looked up at me. "Can I cancel?"

"Oh sure, they'll cancel the foreign release and press because our daughter has you wrapped around her finger." I ran my fingers through his hair.

"I can feel the support and affection in your sarcasm."

"Good, that's what I was going for. We FaceTimed with her all last week, she loved it. I don't want you to go either, but-"

"Wait." Chris sat up and Aur wandered over and crawled into my lap. She stood up using my shoulders and pulled at my hair.

"Ow. What?" I wrestled my hair out of her fist and looked at Chris.

"You don't want me to go? You need me here? You want me here?" Chris gave an exaggerated look of shock. "Are you admitting that you crave the company of another?"

"I know you're doing this to lighten the mood but I will hurt you." I ran my thumb nail across my neck. He grabbed Aurora out of my arms and stood up.

"Mommy has feelings, mommy has feelings." He sang, using our child as a human shield.

"Christopher, you will pay for this. You know that right?" I presented a vicious smile.

"Shit, that's scary." He frowned. "Protect me little bit."

"Nonono." Aur shook her head.

"See, girl power. I'm going to start dinner." I stood and Dodger's head popped up. He trailed me into the kitchen to make sure if any food fell he could be of help.

"What did you mean I will pay for this?" Chris called.

"Hmm, maybe no something something until you get back. Not even on FaceTime. How long will it be? Two weeks?" I called back.

"I was wrong! You have no feelings! All hail the Ice Queen."

"Too late."


I was taking off my make-up and brushing my hair when Chris came into the master bathroom. He hopped up on the counter to face me as I finished.

"What time are you out tomorrow?"

"Flight is at 6pm. I plan to spend the day making Aurora happy I'm gone by smothering her with attention."

"Good plan. I need to take her shopping for some new clothes. She's outgrowing everything. And she needs some older baby toys. Your mom's house is stocked, maybe I'll just go over there and shop." I smiled at him.

"There also is the little matter of someone's birthday."

"Jeez you're like a little boy. I have til June give me a break. Plus, we're going to Disney in July. Can that be your birthday? Aurora and you can wear matching birthday ears." I clapped my hands and stepped between his legs, hugging him. "Oh please have a joint party with her."

"I was already planning on it. And I meant your birthday. It's the day after I get back." He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "You got out of last year because you were so pregnant and mean."

"I hate celebrating my birthday, something bad always happens."

"You do seem to be cursed, how about we just rent a fancy hotel room and fuck until we're sore? Then you can go to the spa." He kissed my forehead.

"Hmm, I like it. And we wouldn't be away from Aur for more than a night, we could just stay in Boston." I shrugged.

"I love my low maintenance girl." He tilted my head up and kissed me. Hands on my hips. I hugged him closer and pressed into his body.

"Okay, I rescind the no sex." I breathed against his lips.

"Actually, and don't fucking laugh, could we just hang out?" He looked at me, blue eyes wary.

"Hang out? Like order pizza, watch movies, and make out?" I bit my lip and smiled.

"'re not going to make fun of me for not wanting to have sex?" He hopped down from the counter and took my hand.

"No, it'll be like when we were teenagers. The sexual tension rolling off us but not going any further than over the clothes groping." I led him into the living room.

"Well, I can't promise only groping. I mean if my dick just happens to fall into your hand. Or my hand just happens to slip up the leg of your shorts." He shrugged and flopped onto the couch.

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