Here We Go

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The less said about month 7 the better

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The less said about month 7 the better. It was May, you know what sucks in May? Being fucking pregnant. I was sweaty, everything hurt, taking a deep breath was near impossible. The kid was wedged into my rib cage. I couldn't eat, sleep, sit. I pretty much stayed inside where it was cool. June was the same, with the added attraction of my boobs milking themselves somehow. Oh, and the so called 'practice' contractions? If those are the practice ones, I will be requesting so much pain management. Sofia dragged me to birthing classes, I do not recommend the video we watched. I started seeing the doctor once a week, sometimes Sofia took me, sometimes Chris. After my run in with Natalie and that dream where he promised to leave me alone, something had changed. I knew I had to tell him and soon. I was sort of on a clock.

"And why am I having a joint birthday/baby shower with Chris?" I was sitting on the deck of the condo, people milling around. I was hot and wanted to go back inside.

"Because he wanted it. Where's Natalie?" Sofia asked. "No catfights?"

"I don't know. Chris said she couldn't make it. I think she finally told him she sees me as a rival whore. Maybe he figured it was better to keep us apart." I stood up and stretched so I could breathe. I massaged a spot on my chest, trying to coax the foot or elbow out of my lungs.

"You are so huge." Sofia put her sunglasses on her head and smiled up at me.

"Bite me."

"What's it feel like?"

"It's hard to explain, but it just feels like I ate or drank too much."

"So are you planning on telling him before the kid goes to college or...."

"I was sort of leaning towards the moment I push her out. Sort of difficult to be mad at me then." I shrugged.

"Why do you think he'll be mad?"

"I lied to him." I looked over where he was playing with his nephews. "Wouldn't you be mad?"

"I'm not Chris, considering he loves you, I have a feeling he will forgive you. That and you did have his kid and all."

"What about Natalie?"

"What about her? If she's pissed and wants Chris to cut you off, can you see him doing that?"

"No, no, ow, ow." I scrunched my eyes shut as a practice contraction hit me.

"What happened?" Chris was beside me, I jumped. How did he get over here so fast?

"Braxton contraction." Sofia said, she liked saying that for some reason.

"Go inside and sit. I'll get you a drink." Chris pointed into the house. Bossy fucker.


The baby dropped a few weeks later, I was now waddling everywhere and my new nickname was 'The Penguin'. It felt like I had a basketball in my vagina, try not waddling in that situation. Natalie was away on on shoot, so Chris spent most of his time at my place. Press for 'Infinity War' was still a little ways off. He had sort of semi-retired until the baby came. I was napping on the couch, I flat out refused to go anywhere until I had this kid. Chris was sitting on the floor by my head reading something. I was dreaming and I guess my subconscious decided it was time for the truth to come out.

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