Secretly Famous Epilogue

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Being a hard working mother and fiancee is very rewarding and tricky.

I can’t wait til I get home after a tiring day of work just to see my family. I can’t wait to hear my daughters first words, to see her crawl and take her first step, to see her grow up and become a young woman, graduate and get children of her own. I want to give her brother and sisters that she can play with. I want to grow old with the love of my life, I will never get tired of his touch.

I love my job, but it is not the centre of my life anymore. I am not going to put it first and I refuse to plan my life around it again.

In less than a year I found new friendships, I started a family and got a better relatiohship with my dad and siblings. I overcame the troubles with my mother in law and was finally accepted into her family. I moved on from old relationships and I got burned and learned a few things on the way.

Let’s not forget the most important of them all, I am not secretly famous anymore.


This is all, thanks for reading everyone! <3

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