Secretly Famous Part 20

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 Part 20

”So, Anne,” I start saying slowly after kicking out all my guests, only keeping my sister to stay afterwards. ”You and Eric look so cute together!”

”Stop it Molly!” she yells blushing down to her toes.

”I knew you liked him!” I shout happily. ”I’m sure he likes you too. I will grill him next time I see him.”

Anne is trying to cover her red cheeks where she is sitting on the sofa with her legs close her chest. She is so cute with the golden locks framing her face, it is hard to believe what a skilled dancer she is right now, but on the other hand no one really see me as a super star either when I’m not all made up.

”He is really, really cute,” she admits shyly. ”What am I to do Molly? It will never work, we live so far apart and I have my school and my career. I don’t expect him to move because of me and I don’t think I’ll ever move back here.”

”I had my doubts about Matt too, but we made it work, didn’t we?”

”Are you saying I should get pregnant too?”

”No, that’s not what I meant!” I feel my cheeks getting hot and I’m sure they are red just like Anne’s.

”I don’t know, I never had a boyfriend before,” she mumbles hopelessly.

”Eric is the sweetest guy I know. Give him a chance and get to know him. He wants to break free from his family, go to school and get a job. It shouldn’t be too hard for him to move if he likes you.”

”If!” she cries. ”Maybe he see me as a little sister or something, embarrassing!”

”I’ll talk to him and see what he says. How is your new life?” I ask changing the subject and she sighs with relief.

”I told you over phone, but I guess you want to hear it face to face. Oh well older sister, I thought Anna was a nice person. Obviously a demon can have a nice side too, she is being so incredibly harsh towards me that I doubt if I ever will become professional.”

I smile compassionately and nod for her to continue.

”Other than that, it is more than I ever dreamed of, thanks to you.”

”I’m sorry, I told Anna to be hard on you,” I confess. ”I want you to get a hard skin before you graduate, it will be easier for you to work with demanding employers.”

”I understand that. I don’t mind it.”

I put my hand on my tummy, feeling the fat I want to get rid of. Matt is feeding Lilee in the kitchen, something Mrs Gregory was mad about. She believe it is a woman’s duty to breast feed, I have once again proven to be an awful match for her son. I keep listening to Anne’s stories, after all I am only having her home for the weekend and she is going back there tomorrow. My little sister is growing up and I missed most of her life due to my own dreams. My own dreams that still will be on the priority list.

”It turns out that Matt is one of my famous stalkers,” I tell her with a grin. ”Joan told me he was one. I must dig through my letters and see what he wrote.”

”Really!” Anne laughs. ”I thought he was too good to be true.”

”Oh, he is, but I don’t mind if he stay that way and admire me close up.”

”Naughty Molly! What did Matt defend himself with?”

”He told her to shut up, you should have seen him. He was so cute blushing!”

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