Interview with Extrordinaire

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*Name? Julia R.

* Age? 13

* Gender? Female.

* How did you find out about Wattpad? My friend from school Victoria (torie321) showed me in math class because I was writing on another website (see below). She told me about Wattpad and she showed me everything and I fell in love.

* Do you use any other E-Book sites other than Wattpad? I'm also on It has the same type of stories. It's kind of like Wattpad.

* Do you read a lot? If Wattpad and Miss Literati counts, then yes. Otherwise, not much.

* What genre to do you tend to read the most? WEREWOLF! I started reading stories from that section later after I started. I also like horror and teen-fiction.

* Do you have a favourite author (on wattpad or otherwise)? I wouldn't technically say I have a favorite because I have read various books by various authors.

* Why did you start writing? I'm not really sure why I started writing. I guess it just popped into my head and I just started writing stories. I wasn't very good at first I can tell you that!

* How long have you been writing for? I have been writing since I was very young. I don't remember when though.

* What's your favourite genre to write? Probably Fantasy or Werewolf.

* Where do you like to write? I would really write anywhere. At lunch, in my bedroom, or anywhere really. Just anywhere I don't have my iPad or iPod

* What is your inspiration? I tend to just think of things off the top of my head and write them down. Sometimes it's other things I see or hear.

* Have you uploaded anything on wattpad? What is your main book? I have uploaded many things to Wattpad. I would say my main book is The Eyes of the Icy Flame, it's a werewolf story:

Ah. The beautiful town of Forks, Washington. Lush forests, beautiful garden flowers, and supernatural creatures? Yes supernatural. As in wolves, vampires, and you know, other stuff.

Danielle, at the age of 16, finds out that her baby blue eyes, aren't just a thing for humans everywhere. She's a wolf, and the princess of her pack. Crazy right?

Disbelief is the first thought. "

Really? Werewolves are just a make believe thing that scares people." -Danielle

But now her parents tells her she has to keep a secret from everyone including her best friend, Margret. How can Danelle keep it a secret, from Margaret? And what is she hiding from her?

See external link to read!

* Have you got any new writing in the works? Not at the moment. But there will be a book coming but I don't have a title yet.

* Are you content to just stay on writing website, or do you want something more with your writing? I wouldn't really do anything more but it would be nice if people actually followed and read my stories.

* If you could sum your writing up in three words, what would they be? Werewolf, drama, and intense.

* Have you ever completely finished a novel? Nope because I am always busy, starting new novels and focusing on those, or probably deleting them because I don't like them

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