Interview with AndUCallMeWeird

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* Name? Courtney

* Age? 16~

* Gender? FEMALE

* How did you find out about Wattpad? I stumbled across it accidentally when searching for writing sites.

* Do you read a lot? That HAS to be a rhetorical question.

* What genre to do you tend to read the most? Fantasy/Sci-fi/Romance/Paranormal - with the exception of John Green's books, then i'll read the complete opposite.

* Do you have a favourite author (on wattpad or otherwise)? John Green is spectacular, his book The Fault In Our Stars is just...brilliant. truly, truly brilliant. of course, i adore JK Rowling and a variety of others too.

* Why did you start writing? When i got pissy with a book ending in seventh grade I decided to rewrite it myself (cause anyone who says they don't have that urge to rewrite parts you don't like in a book is a big. Fat. liar.)

* How long have you been writing for? Four years.

* What's your favourite genre to write? I'm trying very hard to improve on my romance writing so i'm writing quite a bit at the moment but i LOVE writing Fantasy/Sci-fi/Paranormal and so forth. i figure real life has enough drama, no need to add the fictional real world to it as well.

* Where do you like to write? I am, unfortunately, a 21st century writer. give me a charged laptop and put me in a sewer for all i care, i'll write there.

* What is your inspiration? Everything. Honestly, staring at a purple and green board in my second language class SOMEHOW (lord knows how, cause i don't understand it) inspired a new idea i've had. i find that travelling really gets the creativity flowing, though, and come up with my best ideas surrounded by new things.

* Have you uploaded anything on wattpad? What is your main book? Depending on what can be classified as main. plot-wise Seven Sacreds is my most challenging and thus I think most important to me personally. However, Eternal is great fun to write and draws in the most readers. Spirit Me Lovely is my newest baby and i'm really getting into it too so i don't really think i can single one out and say it's my main.

See external link for link to author's page to read some of the epic stories mentioned above!

* Have you got any new writing in the works? Tons,. I was sitting in my second language class today and had some free time after a test and BAM, got another idea ;-) so yes, i'll probably add at least another three to my list of in-progress books by the end of the week.

* Are you content to just stay on writing website, or do you want something more with your writing? No way! i have big plans for my writing, hence why i scour the interwebz for sites and pester my poor, unsuspecting friends into reading almost everything i write. there's little else i can see myself doing so there's no way i'm NOT going to take it anywhere.

* If you could sum your writing up in three words, what would they be? My whole life.

* Have you ever completely finished a novel? Two actually. I'm working on my third now. Although if you had to put all my not-quite-long-enough-for-novel-standards then about fifteen.

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