Interview with loviedovy12

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* Name? Hannah V.H. or loviedovy12, I guess.

* Age? 13

* Gender? Female

* How did you find out about Wattpad? The Apple App Store. I didn't know that wattpad was an actual website until later.

* Do you use any other E-Book sites other than Wattpad? No, I did but I like Wattpad much better than any other one.

* Do you read a lot? All of the time, as long as I am not writing, of course :)

* What genre to do you tend to read the most? Fantasy/Historical Fiction/Teen fiction, I guess. If there was a mix of all three, it would either be the best book ever or make no sense at all.

* Do you have a favourite author? Lindsey Leavitt. She wrote the Princess For Hire books, I emailed her, and she is one of the things that inspired me to write. If she can do it, so can I. But probably not for a while until I am a little older.

* Why did you start writing? I was bored during class because I would finish my work early. I tend to be an over-achiever/ multitasker.

* How long have you been writing for? Um...... I guess since third or fourth grade... I really started in earnest in sixth grade.

* What's your favourite genre to write? Fantasy/Teen Fiction

* Where do you like to write? In my room or wherever my brothers AREN'T.

* What is your inspiration? Books. Authors. Every single thing around me inspires me and makes an impact on my writing.

* Have you uploaded anything on wattpad? What is your main book?

Princess Switch

"The last thing I knew I was being thrown into a sack."

Princess Adriana lived a quiet life...that is if you consider constantly avoiding assassination attempts quiet! All her life she had been trained not to question why so many people were out to get her, but after being kidnapped, things change. She starts to wonder about both these mysterious people and herself, and discovers some shocking secrets...

How to be Famous

"She never thought that fame could strike in high school."

JJ is a wallflower. So when she is "discovered" by a famous modeling company, she is shocked. And so is everyone else. Can she live up to expectations, or will she simply fade back into the background? She begins to realize the difficulties and joys of modeling, and that everything, even love, has good and bad sides to it.

(See external link for the link to author's page)

* Have you got any new writing in the works? Yes, I always do.... right now I have around ten or fifteen.

* Are you content to just stay on writing website, or do you want something more with your writing? My ultimate goal is to publish some of my books. I have already contacted some publishing companies, but nothing has happened yet.

* If you could sum your writing up in three words, what would they be? Hm......(wait.... does that count as one of my words? If it does, I am now WAY over three.) Ok. Fairytale with a Twist. (I guess that is four... Sorry!)

* Have you ever completely finished a novel? Not yet, but I'm working on it.

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