Interview with MyEyesSeeWonders

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* Name? Brittney (MyEyesSeeWonders)

*Age? Teenager.

* Gender? Female.

* How did you find out about Wattpad? I was on another website, and they were chatting about it. I searched it up, and I LOVE IT! :)

* Do you use any other E-Book sites other than Wattpad? Miss Literati.

* Do you read a lot? YES.

* What genre to do you tend to read the most? Romance. And action.

* Do you have a favourite author? Nope! I love a lot of authors!

* Why did you start writing? I loved writing songs!

* How long have you been writing for? Since preschool, lol.

* What's your favourite genre to write? Romance and action.

* Where do you like to write? In a quiet room, or outside. I love to write when it's raining!

* What is your inspiration? Published books. If they can do it, I can do it to!

* Have you uploaded anything on wattpad? What is your main book? The one I am entering in the Watty Awards in Extraterrestrial:

"I was thirteen and in eighth grade at the time. Reckless, stupid, and ready to make mistakes. I couldn't afford to make mistakes anymore. My family needed a hard rock to hold together, and that had to be me. Without my strength, my family would fall apart, and I was not going to let that happen. We were broken, but our bonds were intact. For now."

Serena has a lot of pressure on her. Her dad is dead and gone, her mom is never home, and her brother is the only thing that keeps her going. She is a teenager with stress, school, and friends. But something's missing in her life. Love. Will the mysterious new stranger bring it to her? Or will he be just another threat to her and her family?

See external link to read!

* Have you got any new writing in the works? Yes! In fact, I am working on one called 'My Notebook; His Inspiration'.

* Are you content to just stay on writing website, or do you want something more with your writing? I want to get published at a young age. I have several novels in the works.

* If you could sum your writing up in three words, what would they be? Creative. Inspiring (I hope!!). Descriptive.

* Have you ever completely finished a novel? Not yet, unfortunately... I'M WORKING ON IT! 

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