Chapter one:

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I exit my carriage and look outside.
I am welcomed by a thick London fog. This is my first time in London.

As I walk down the narrow, cobblestone streets, I see a sign outside of a shop advertising a small building for sale.

I head toward the direction of the building.
I plan to open up a small shop as my mother and great grandmother had done in the past. My whole family has a history for traveling and we all have a similar gift...
We see the future. I plan to open up a small palm reading business.

I have traveled many places around the world including India, South Africa, and China but my mother always told me that England was her
favourite place.

Traveling is my real passion.
Even so, I cannot make a job out of it therefore I do the palm readings on the side to help pay for travel expenses and basic necessities.

...I finally arrive at my destination...

it is small with a beautiful red brick exterior and looked quite old.
I walk up the steps towards the door and I am about to enter when I suddenly find the door is missing a handle.

Instead, I gently knock on the door and politely wait for someone to answer.

Suddenly, the door slightly cracks open and I see an older looking  woman with long grey hair and grey eyes peek her head through.

She then looks me up and down. She
seems satisfied with what she sees and invites me inside.

"Are you looking to purchase this building?"

"Yes." I say confidently
Well, come and have a look around
and then we can discuss a formidable price"
After a while I had taken a look at the building and I didn't have any concerns.

"I will take it"

The old woman had me pay half the money for the place now and it was decided that I move in tomorrow.

My only problem,
I need a place to stay tonight.

... At the Phantomhive estate...

"Todays tea is earl grey complemented with sweet biscuits et fraises aigres."

Sebastian begins to pour Earl Grey graciously into a small cup.

"Tell me what information you have so far on the missing children's case."

"Very well, my young Lord, it seems as if all the children who have been taken away from their families are males who range from 5- 10 years of age."

Sebastian then hands Ceil a variety of photos of the boys who have gone missing.

"How many children have gone missing so far?"
Ceil asks

"So far 16 missing children have been reported."

"Alright then Sebastian, get the carriage
ready, we will go out into town and see if there are any possible witnesses."

"yes my lord."

...Chloe's P.O.V...
I have nowhere to stay and I am currently walking the streets of London alone. I have no money to pay for a carriage or to stay at an inn all because of the down payment I put on my building. I decided to rest for a bit. I should have listened to my sister and not have left home so early with such little money. Although, I needed to leave. Who knows what would have happened to me if I stayed at that place any longer.

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