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It is afternoon, at the moment, Ciel, Sebastian, my sisters and I are in the carriage about to leave the estate to see the Queen.

Ciel has given each one of us a new dress for the occasion. How was he able to achieve such a thing within such a short time span? Well, that is beyond me.

Moreover, I have not had the moment alone with Sebastian that was promised previously, and with every passing minute, I grow more, and more anxious. My sisters mustn't find out who he truly is.

"I have some ghastly news. This afternoon, I received a letter from her majesty herself that someone who works amongst her majesty is perfidious. I am to find out who this person is and bring justice the queen by eliminating this threat." 
Says Ciel

I knew this was not just a dinner.
He most definitely did not just receive this information this afternoon. Typical Ciel. It was only a matter of time before he revealed his true intentions for tonight. 

This whole dinner is most definitely a coverup for this investigation the Queen planned.

"I see...if you need any assistance, Moon and I are most willing to help." Says Lapis

"Thankyou." Replies Ciel

Now with that, all his pawns are on the board and he is ready to strike.

"It is most obvious who this culprit is, it is simply the first rule of royalty. Whomever is next in line to the throne is who we should be suspecting. Classic case of the old power- hungry royal who wants nothing more than to see the queen fail."

States Moon as if it was plain as day.

"Moon, I doubt Ciel would be called all the way down to the Balmoral Castle for a trivial kinsfolk  rivalry. It has to be much more complicated than that."
I say

"Even so, we must not rule anyone out. Everyone is a suspect until proven innocent. This is a mission we cannot fail."

Says Ciel

Should it not be the other way around? I thought it was innocent until proven guilty. Well, I suppose that is not the "Ciel" way.

"Now, Sebastian is holding a list of everyone who resides within the castle right down to the staff."

Sebastian passes the list to me and I skim over the names and titles.

"By the end of tonight, everyone on the list should have been confronted and I should be aware of the miscreant. There are exactly 33 royals and guests who I will investigate, that leaves you and your sisters to see to the secretarial officers and search the castle for clues. Then there is the remaining 155 staff whom Sebastian will take care of."

"I am sorry, did you say 155 staff? That seems like it would be exceedingly much for one man to handle in one night." States Moon

Not for a demon who is also a professional, full-time show-off/over-achiever.

"If I could not simply investigate an entire crew of royal staff while accompanying my master before nightfall what kind of butler would I be?"

A normal one.

"Master, I suggest we take our leave soon if you wish to arrive before sundown."
Suggests Sebastian

"Yes, onwards now!" Shouts Ciel to the coachman.

And with that, we were on our way to the Queen.

Later on...

"Oh my God! Is this it? That is one colossal castle."Says Moon

"Yes, we have arrived" Says Sebastian as he helps escort everyone out of the carriage.

"Although, I see a pattern with all the buildings here in England. They all seem quite boring. They lack the elegance and charm of Egyptian architecture." Says Moon

The castle is indeed colossal. It stands tall and proud with a long, lush, green yard that stretches out for acres complimented with plush, colourful, topiary.

Once we have all exited the carriage, we walk up towards the grand entrance that is surrounded with several guards.

Suddenly, the gigantic doors are opened and we are greeted by two men. They seem to be butlers. They are both wearing white swallowtail coats, and have white hair and grey eyes. They also both bear the royal crest on their clothing.
The one on the right is extremely tall whilst the one on the left is on the shorter side. Even so, they both seem to look young.

"Greetings, and welcome to the castle. We are pleased to have you here and are most excited to be honouring you tonight Earl Phantomhive."
Says the taller butler on the right

"I am Charles Phipps, and this is Charles Grey. We are the private secretarial officers and butlers to her Majesty. Please, come inside."

We all enter the castle.

As expected, it is furnished and decorated extravagantly. Everything is neat, there are fine, captivating paintings, and a luxurious, tiled marble floor.

"What is that?"
Asks Moon.

She seems to be referring to the big, black, boxy looking object next to the door

"I see you have noticed the camera. We have it set up so that it is ready for later on. There is supposed to be a beautiful blood moon tonight. Her Majesty has requested that she get a photo with it." States Phipps

Did he say...blood moon?

Anubis' words pierce violently through my mind and echo in my head:

"Once all three of you are together, and the sky is black, and the moon is bloody, one of you three will die."

Suddenly, my blood runs cold.

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