Chapter 21

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Present day (in black butler lol)

"Come home Chloe. We can preform shows like we used to. It is not the same without you."

"No no way in hell will I go back to Egypt, prancing around on a stage doing the same horrid act every day."

Lapis' eyes go wide. I understand why she is shocked.

She is used to a quiet Chloe who lacks confidence, although I am no longer their little 19 year old bitch.

"I have my own life now."

"Excuse me, I believe you have something that belongs to my butler."
Says Ciel

"Oh yes."
I take Sebastian's hands in mine

"Sebastian before I give you these memories I need you to promise you will not be angry with me."

Sebastian opens his mouth to say something and I cut off his sentence

I quickly say the three words

"Vidre in mihi"
He falls deep into the trance

I take out my capsule of blood
"Into the soul, and onto the heart"

I complete the past ritual and I am taken to Sebastian's book of memories. What has he been doing whilst I was away? I am curious so I flip back a few pages and WOW he looks very good in the shower...

I should focus.

I did this quickly without thinking and I haven't any idea how to return a memory.
The undertaker said "the same blood that separates, binds together."

Therefore, I believe I should be able to use my blood as a glue to bind the pages.

I take my capsule and pour the last of the blood onto the spine of the book where the pages were torn. I then place the pages that were ripped back into the book.

I hope this deems successful.

Moments later Sebastian awakens

"Hello there." I say cautiously

"Hello" Says Sebastian

"Do you have any idea who I am?"

"Yes I do"

"Alright, what is my name?"

"Chloe-anné Silverado"



"My age?"

"23 years"
It is odd that he knows that. I have not told him. my age. I only asked because I though it would be amusing to see him lost for words. Although, I should not be surprised. It is Sebastian after all.

"Good to see you back to normal."

Sebastian is surprisingly phlegmatic about all of this. 
I completely wiped all memory of me from his brain without permission, and left the mansion without telling him a word as to why. Yet, he is completely calm, and composed.

Suddenly Sebastian lowers his head and whispers in my ear so that nobody else can hear.

"Once we return, you are about to receive the most immense punishment of your life."

I feel a shiver go down my spine.

There it is.

"Chloe, what was that? Is it possible that you just recovered his memory?" Asks Moon

"I did" I say casually

"Not only are you able to see past memories, you are able to remove and recover as well! The only one that was able to do so was...was our mother."

"You have become a fine gypsy. It seems you have acquired much knowledge traveling. This will be a great addition to the show." Says Lapis

"Lapis! When will you understand that I will not go back with you two. This is exactly why I avoid the two of you like the plague. You obviously do not care about me because if you did, you would care about my happiness and growth as a person. Traveling makes me happy. I am a completely different person because of it. Also, do not forget about the reason I left Egypt in the first place. He is still there. You two should not even be there. It is not safe...Now, I am going to turn around and go back to my life . You two should leave. Ciel, Sebastian, let us go."

Ciel and Sebastian begin to walk back over to the carriage.


Moon then looks at me eyes wide and glassy, twirling her long brown hair around her finger. Her eyebrows are furrowed and the corners of her lips turn downward into a frown.

"The next boat does not come until tomorrow evening, will you leave your little sister all alone in the streets of London?"

"Yes that is exactly what I will do. And you are not alone, you have Lapis. Also, it is not as if you two are low on money. Now, I am leaving. You two had no trouble tracking me down all the way from Egypt so I am sure you will be able to do something as simple as find an inn."

"You two are welcome to stay at the mansion for the night." Says Ciel

"Wow!" Says Moon

"Thank you" Says Lapis

Moon looks at me with a menacing smile

That damn Ciel. I know exactly what he is thinking. He is thinking that three gypsies are better than one. That brat. He wants full use of all of our powers because we are nothing but pawns to him.

This is not good. If they find out Sebastian is a demon, all hell will break loose.

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