Chapter three:

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After Meyrin and Sebastian left I realized that it was too dangerous for me to be staying in this house. I need to talk to Ciel and tell him I'm leaving. So I rang the servant bell.
Moments later I hear a knock at my door and Finny appeared

"Hello Ms. Silverado. Is there anything you need?"

"Ermmm Yes. Can you please take me to Ciel's room? I would myself but I am still unaware of where anything is in this manor."

"Yeah! No problem"

We then start walking down the Manson's hallway and eventually Finny takes us to a room. He then knocks on one of two grand doors.

"Come in" says Ciel

Finny opens the door and we walk inside.

"Young master, Ms. Silverado is here to see you."

I walk in and it seems like we are in the mansions's study as the first thing that catches my eye is a beautiful, large bookcase. I then walk up to the desk where Ciel is sitting in front of a pile of books.

" Cie-  ummm young lord, I am thankful for you giving me a place to stay for tonight.  If you ever need another palm reading do not hesitate to ask me. Although I think it is time for me to leave the manor. I have a business to start and I should be able to move into my building now so... um farewell and thank you. I'm just going to go get my things and I will be off."

I then turn around and start walking away

"Nonsense. I will have Sebastian get your things and we will escort you back to your building."

"Sebastian go get Miss Silverados things"

"Yes my lord"
I turn around and I see that damn demon behind me! How long has he been here?

Currently, Sebastian, Ciel and I are in the carriage on our way back into town.

I cannot believe my first day in London I came across a demon and an Earl! It most definitely would be an interesting experience to tell my family back home...

Although it was interesting, I am still glad to be out of the mansion. I wonder what other people I will meet in London with my business.
Eventually we arrive. I leave the carriage and wave Ciel goodbye and Sebastian takes my things.

We then start to go up the steps of the building when I see the old lady. She is talking to another woman with short blond hair who also has her luggage with her.

Am I sharing the building? I never agreed to a roommate.

I walk up to the old woman.
"Hello. I am here to move in. I have brought my things."

She looks at me with a sincere face

"I am sorry madam but I have already sold the building to this young lady here."

"What do you mean? I already paid. And you said that I was ready to go."

"I apologize but she gave me a much better and more generous offer. I hope you understand. I can pay you back the first half of your deposit."

What the hell?

"We shoud go" I say under my breath to Sebastian

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