Chapter 4

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It was obvious now, too obvious. He wouldn't let me leave the house and would stay with me where ever I go. The story he made up was a complete lie, How the hell would I get out of here without him knowing that I know?

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned and I swallowed hard.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I put on a fake smile and he kissed me. I couldn't do this. Him kissing me, making me feel dumb.

"Hungry?" He asked and I nodded. This might be my chance to get away from him. Away from here and back to Joey.

"Yeah...But Since it's our day, why don't you cook something...And make it a romantic dinner?" I asked and He nodded smiling. He let go of me and walked off to the kitchen. I stood up slowly listening to him grabbing pans and plates.  I sneaked to the door and walked out. My plan's working. He'll be stuck in the house cooking and I'll be with Joey...Wait, where the hell am I? WHY DO THEY ALWAYS TAKE ME TO THE COUNTRY SIDE? There are loads of tree's, no other houses I mean. Come on, Please?

I need some hope. Scrap that, there's a car in front of me. Ha..I speak to soon. I ran to it and tried opening the door but it was locked. Spoke to soon again. God dammit.  I heard a click and the doors unlocked. Shit. I turned around to see Frank tilting his head smiling smugly.

"Going somewhere?" He chuckled and I looked down. "Really? Is this the best you've got? I knew you wouldn't believe me"

"Frank Please just let me go home" I sighed looking down.

"Home? This IS home Sophie" He pointed to the house and I shook my head "You have no home, you have no family. You just have me" He smiled and I shook my head. That wasn't right, I had my mum and dad... My annoying brother. I had Joey who was practically like a sister to me. I don't know what Gerard was to me. A kidnapper yes but..I don't know.

"I have a family, I have friends and this is NOT my home" I frowned "You are nothing to me" I spat out and he stepped forwards.

"Careful" He growled

"What you going to do Frank? Hit me? Hurt me? Cause that would somehow make me fall in love with you right!?" I shouted and he frowned more.

"I'm not going to hurt you!" He shouted back "That was a mistake last time! I wouldn't ever want to hurt you" He sighed and shook his head. "I just want you to love me. I want to know what real love Is!" He croaked and looked down. "I just want a chance at happiness, everyone deserves that right?" He looked up at me and I nodded.

"I'm sorry Frank, but keeping me here isn't helping. There is someone out there for you but it isn't me! Please.."

"No" He shook his head "It is you, I can feel it and I know you feel it to" He walked up to me and grabbed my wrist gently. "Just admit it" He said tearing up and I shook my head. "Please" He begged.

"I'm sorry Frank, I don't feel anything for you" I whispered and he kissed me quickly. I pulled away and shook my head.

"Just...Give me a chance" He whispered not letting me go. "One chance... One week" His eyes lit up. "If you still don't feel anything, I'll let you go" He smiled. So one week of trying to fall in love with Frank? If I don't then Its an easy escape route? 

"Deal" I whispered and he slowly pulled me back inside the house. I could try and resist him, maybe I don't even have to try? One week till freedom then. But what if he doesn't let me go? I'm sure he will...I just have that doubt.

Kidnapped by MCR... Nope, Just Frank!Where stories live. Discover now