Chapter 5

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So I had one week to make her fall in love with me? Shouldn't be too hard right? She said she liked me back in the old place I just came second that's all but still, she still admitted she liked me. Even if she didn't 'Love' me by the end of the week I'm not letting her go. I can't, I just can't live without her. It's strange...The chemistry we have between each other. It's very strong yet she's blind to see it but I'll help her with that. I lead her into the house and sat her down at the table. First thing I'll try is cooking her a romantic dinner. 

"You do like vegetable lasagna right?" I asked her and she nodded slowly, I flashed her a smile and walked to the oven. I could cook these easily. I put the right settings on the oven and walked to the draw, Candles. We need candles for this. Set the mood right? I grabbed a few and started placing them neatly around the table, She kind of just sat there observing it all confused. She probably thought I didn't have it in me but I do. I will do anything for her. "You like it so far?" I asked smiling and she nodded slowly.

"I have a weird thing abouts candles, just love them" She shrugged and I set more up for her. If she loved candles I'd buy loads for her. Well, as many as I could. "Thank you" She whispered and I walked to the oven to check on the lasagna. Done. I took it out and started putting it onto the dishes neatly. When I wanted to cook and have good presentation I could serve well. I put a little tomato decoration at the side and put it in front of her. 

"Enjoy" I whispered putting mine down opposite her and sitting. She just stared at it for a moment probably thinking I poisoned it or something, she finally took a bite and smiled.

"Tastes delicious" She chuckled eating more and I couldn't help but smile smugly. Yeah, I can cook when I want.

"See, I'm not that bad" I laughed eating my own. When we were finished I quickly shoved the plates into the sink and walked to her. I took her hand gently and pulled her up to me staring into her eyes, slowly...Losing control.

"Frank" She whispered frowning slightly as I leaned in a little "Don't" She whispered even quieter but my lips were so close to hers, they was calling me, begging me to touch them. I couldn't stop myself...I kissed her. My hand held her head there as I closed my eyes, deepening it. She was mumbling, moaning. A shiver went down my spine and I moaned quietly.

"I love you" I whispered kissing her again and again, I couldn't stop.

"Frank Stop" She begged and I stared at her. "No..." She shook her head looking at me sadly and I frowned.

"Your not giving me a chance" I said through gritted teeth

"I am Frank but this is too fast! Kissing...No and your trying to get me in bed!" She shouted and I let her go slowly.

"I.." I didn't know what to say, I was speechless. 

"Not yet Frank, I'm sorry but no" She sighed sadly and I hugged her gently. She's right, I was going too fast. If I wanted this to work then I'd have to wait. Wait until she was ready. She would respect me more then yeah? I pulled away and smiled at her

"If time is what you want, time is what you get" I smiled and she looked at me worried. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be ready" I kissed her cheek and lead her to the living room, I must admit that I feel like a douche after trying to get her in bed on the first day...Yeah but, It's just her. It's so hard to control myself when I'm with her.

Kidnapped by MCR... Nope, Just Frank!Where stories live. Discover now