Chapter 10

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My skin is so cold, so bare. My hair is going everywhere and my feet sting from the coldness. I need to find warmth... Warmth, the word sounds so precious. I could see a fire in the distance, that looked warm! I pulled my feet along, dragging them to go to that piece of warmth. It was like I was standing in a freezer naked? My lips trembled and I could just about feel the warmth of the fire. It was indoors, teasing me from the window. I saw a shadow slowly walk to the window, opening it a little. The warm air hit my skin making me gasp. I wanted to beg for more of the heat! The dark shadow turned so I could just see it's face, Gerard?

"Help" I whispered and he reached his hand out of the window towards me. I lifted my frail arm and tried to grab his hand but we was too far away. "Gerard" I whispered and his face dropped, his arm slowly pulled in and closed the window. "No! Gerard!" I called out, begging him to open the window, to let me be warm again but it was no use.

There was something behind me. The source of this coldness, another dark shadow. My whole body shook and I was too scared to cry in case my tears turned into ice. I forced my body to turn around, to try and vanish this coldness but I was too weak. There was a black cloak over this figure, covering all of his face apart from his mouth which was curled up into a smirk. I reached out and grabbed the hood with both of my hands, I pulled it back and gasped.

"I'll keep you warm Sophie, come here" Frank growled pulling me into him. All of my muscles slowly stopped working, the coldness overtook me and I was frozen. "You're mine" He whispered in my ear until I couldn't breathe. I tried gasping for air but it seemed impossible. I was going to die in the arms of evil.


"Sophie! Sophie! Wake up!" I could hear a distant voice and my eyelids refused to open. "Sophie!" The voice was Gerard, oh he worried too much. My lips parted and a grunt escaped my mouth making him chuckle. "You're awake then"

"Why did you wake me?" I mumbled slowly opening my eyes, something was attached to my arm. A needle! "Where am I?" I whispered prodding it but my hand was quickly pulled back to my side by Gerard.

"You were having a nightmare, oh and you're in hospital" He chuckled and I glared at him. Son of a bitch didn't let me in the warmth!

"Why wouldn't you let me inside?" I asked him and he stared at me blankly. Why was I questioning him about a nightmare I had? "Never mind" I chuckled awkwardly and looked around the room. What was the moral of my dream? I didn't really understand it. The warmth, Gerard and Frank being in it? Maybe Gerard represents the goodness and warmth where as Frank represents the coldness and evil. Sounds about right and I can't be bothered to investigate it.

"You okay?" He whispered squeezing my hand gently. I nodded slowly and watched his expression, he looked so sad...So guilty.

"It's not your fault you know. When the police come, I'll tell them you're innocent. You and the others apart from" I paused and looked down.

"Frank..." He sighed and shook his head, "You don't have to. We kidnapped you Sophie, Joey's already gave her statement. It's yours soon"

"You're innocent. You saved me! It was Frank's idea anyway, I'm not letting you go down for this" I frowned and I think he gave up arguing with me.

"Your family are on their way, with Joey. The guys want to see you too" He half smiled and let go of my hand. "No one can hurt you now. I won't let them hurt you, I promise" He looked into my eyes and I nodded.

"Stay with me" I whispered faintly dropping my head. "I can't remember what anyone looks like, I'm scared. Please, stay with me" I grabbed his hand gently and teared up a little. He nodded slowly and smiled.

"I'll leave when you say" He chuckled getting comfy.

"I guess we're going to grow old together then" I smirked and he just smiled at me sweetly. I was scared and alone. Gerard was here which meant he could eliminate those feelings. He could make me happy and feel safe. I just hope my family and Joey doesn't flip out, I mean...I love Gerard. He's an amazing person and he saved me!

Kidnapped by MCR... Nope, Just Frank!Where stories live. Discover now