Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes slowly, what happened... Ah fuck my head hurt. I rubbed my head gently and sat up slowly to reveal a room I didn't recognise. Where the hell was I? I stood up and held the wall for support. My head cleared and I stood up properly. This isn't my house...This isn't Joey's house either. But Then who's house is it? I walked to the corridor and crept down the stairs.

"You're awake..."I heard a man whisper and my head snapped to the side to reveal Frank staring at me. I backed up away from him and he kept stepping forwards.

"S..Stay away" I whispered backing up and hitting the wall.

"Sophie?" He asked standing in front of me and I squeezed my eyes shut tight. I was terrified of him. "Sophie, its me, Frank" He whispered

"I know who you are, just stay away" I snapped trying to stand strong.

'What's wrong?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"What's wrong? YOU KNOCKED ME OUT" I shouted and he jumped back shocked. "You...You kidnapped me..."I sobbed and he shook his head walking close to me again.

"What are you going on about! I never Kidnapped you!" He sighed "When did I supposingly kidnap you" He asked and I thought,

"A couple of days ago" I muttered

"Funny, you have lived here for 2 years" He frowned and I looked at him confused, what did he just say? "Maybe your dream just seemed a little too realistic" He suggested and I just stared at him blankly. 2 Years?

"No..You knocked me out, stop trying to manipulate me" I frowned and he sighed.

"We met in Starbucks 3 years ago, 2 years ago you moved into this house with me and we've been together since. I didn't knock you out and I'm not manipulating you. Maybe I should take you to see a councillor?" He thought a moment and shrugged.

"Why does my head hurt then?" I asked and he had a blank expression.

"You..." He sighed "I hate to tell you this" He muttered looking down, "You've been in a car accident recently...Hit your head and suffered from memory loss" He stroked my cheek gently and half smiled "Don't worry, I'm here for you" He whispered and kissed my lips gently. I had a car crash? But...The 'dream' seemed so real. He pulled away and smiled at me.

"W.." I didn't know what to say really "3 years" I whispered confused and he nodded at me smiling more. "What about the others" I asked.

"The band?" He asked and I nodded "We broke up, they moved off..Wanted to explore the world because we only live once. I stayed to spend the rest of my life with you" He smiled and I looked down blushing. It kind of does make sense if you think about it. But why would I be with Frank? I mean I didn't love him. But Gerard, I kind of did...In my so called 'dream' anyway.

"What about my friend Joey?" I asked

"She went with Mikey" He smirked. "Can you remember how we met, apart from being in Starbucks" He chuckled.

"Um, no sorry" I muttered and he shrugged putting his arm around me and leading me into the living room. We sat on the sofa and he held my hand smiling.

"Well, you totally freaked out when you saw me" He chuckled and I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"You were just like 'OH MY GOD! ITS FRANK IERO' Then you had a fan girl moment and screamed, I walked up to you and you looked like you were about to faint" He laughed and I joined in "I managed to calm you down and we had a coffee...Leading to where we are now" He smiled and I smiled back. Doesn't really sound like me but yeah. I think anyone would freak out if they saw someone famous who's quite hot and very talented.

"Weird" I chuckled and he hugged me. I slowly hugged him back trying to remember what happened. Trying to remember everything.

"We'll get through this" He whispered kissing my head and I closed my eyes embracing him. Maybe this was right and that stupid dream I had was messing with my head. Maybe me and Frank are supposed to be together.

Kidnapped by MCR... Nope, Just Frank!Where stories live. Discover now