Chapter 8

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Well, I can safely say that my decision or words that came out of my mouth shocked everyone including me! I'm guessing you think I'm insane ha ha! Well, no i'm not. I just feel sorry for the guy. It was quiet, oh so quiet which scared me.

"Y..You what?" Gerard finally spoke up after five minutes of silence.

"I keep my promises, his not hurting me...Why not?" I shrugged and his jaw was hanging opening so wide I thought it would hit the floor.

"He kidnapped you Sophie maybe that's why!" He shouted making me flinch, "He hurt you in the past!" He frowned glaring at him.

"You all kidnapped me" I mumbled kicking my feet. "I'm staying Gerard" I took a risky glance at his face and saw his eyes go all...Weird? It was like he was trying to slap some sense into me with his eyes! It looked freaky and nearly made me giggle.

"You heard her" Frank smiled at me and I walked to him slowly. "Now leave" He put his arm round me making me flinch. Gerard was right, he did hurt me in the past so I had to be a little cautious. Gerard shook his head and stood his ground.

"I'm not leaving. I don't trust you Frank, you're ill" He whispered making Frank tighten his grip.

"No, you're just jealous! I got the girl for once and you can't fucking stand it! Leave Gerard!" He frowned and hugged me.

"I have four days left Gerard" Yeah...I counted, "It's not many days. I promised him a chance so let him have it" I shrugged looking at him sadly. "You'll know where we are...Please don't get the police here" I hugged Frankie back slowly.

"Sophie, his ill. You really think he'll let you go after the four days? Hm? If you do then you're just as insane as he is!" He shouted making me flinch.

"No, I know how sad he is Gerard. I can see it in his eyes and it's killing him. It's tearing him apart and when he looks at me, a little bit of a spark flicks in his eye! It means I make him happy, it means I can make him better. Can't you see that? You two was friends!" I frowned and Gerard sat down on the sofa shaking his head.

"Exactly. Was. We got pushed into this whole kidnapping thing, we was scared. I..I'm sorry Sophie" He whimpered out and I walked, joining him on the sofa.

"I forgive you, ha...My mum told me to forgive and forget but I don't think I can forget. Forgive is a thing I can manage" I smiled warmly and he held my hand.

"If you really want to stay then, Fine. But I'm staying with you. I don't trust him but I do trust you. This is the only way I can be sure you're safe" He looked me in the eyes and even though I could feel Frank's eyes burn through me, telling me to say no. I had to say yes. I just nodded and heard Frank grunt.

"No fighting" I whispered and heard Frank laugh sarcastically.

"No fighting? Fuck off! Since when did you get to choose what happens in my house? You're kidnapped hun, don't think you can bend the rules to suit you" I faced him to see his fists clenched, his eyes full of anger and he was ready to fight.

"Frank, calm down. Unless you want me to leave now" I frowned and he shook his head quickly, he smiled but there was something odd about it.

"No one's leaving now. You're both staying, Gerard will be out the way and we will have our four days together. We'll do whatever I want and when I want. Starting with you going to my bed now. Don't disobey me" He growled and I gasped as Gerard's arms wrapped around me.

"You're not touching her" He growled at him and I crawled back into Gerard's lap. "Frank you need to calm the fuck down before you do something you'll regret"

"Don't make me hurt you" He grabbed a bat from under the opposite sofa and held it in both hands getting reading to swing. "Sophie, bed now or I kill him" He smirked and I tried pulling Gerard's arms away from me.

"Frank please" I begged wiggling and struggling but Gerard wouldn't budge.

"You know Gerard...You'll come in handy, It seems as if she likes you. She doesn't want you to get hurt so, she'll do anything for you" He winked and we both gulped. Gerard let go slowly probably because he felt weak and helpless. I ran up and heard him shouting after me, then his voice just cut off. There was no sound. I ran to Frank's room and shut the door climbing on his bed and curling up. I was scared, scared of what he would do to me. I mean, it's a bedroom...With a bed...With two people, one crazy and the other weak. I heard loud footsteps make it's way to my room which only made me shake. I had to prepare myself for the worst, try and get out of it before it actually happens...Before I get raped.


A/N: I'm so so so sorry for not uploading in like months but exams, depression BLEH! Excuses I know ;[ I'll try and upload more since I only have two exams and then I'm FREEEEEEEEE! heh...Hoped you enjoyed the chappie, mwuhahha!

Kidnapped by MCR... Nope, Just Frank!Where stories live. Discover now