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Eva's P.O.V

"Jokers alive!" I breathed. For two weeks I thought he was dead but he isn't he's alive. He's in Arkham. My dad lied to me..  He looked me in the eyes and lied to me, he pretended to care when he didn't. Maybe he didn't even care when the joker took me. Maybe he was just using me to lock him up.

"Ah master Wayne! good to see your back." I heard my dad enter the front door upstairs. "Crap!" I cursed. I took jokers file and stuffed it into my shirt I also opened the draw in the cabinet and took out a small gun and stuffed it in my pocket. I quickly rushed up stairs and darted to my room almost getting caught. I slowly and carefully closed my door. I threw jokers file underneath the bed keeping the gun in my pocket. "Dammit!" I paced back and forth thinking to myself.... "I need a game plan.." I whispered. "I need a game plan.."  I jumped when my dad knocked on my door.

"Hey Ev.." He sweetly said making me feel bitter inside. I put on a fake smile. "Dad.." I nervously stuttered. I pressed my lips into a line before smiling again. "Everything alright Ev?" he asked I questioned myself wondering if I should confront him...

He sat on the bed but I continued to stand. "Tell me whats wrong Ev. I cant help you unless you let me.." I sighed. And turned around glaring at him.  "How long have you been lying to me? hmm? Weeks? months? Years? Since I was born?" he stood up and took a step forward. I took out the gun and took a step back pointing it at him shacking.  "Eva.." his expression hardened. "We don't want things to get messy.." I chuckled. "Sure sure.." I raised an eyebrow. "Jokers mot dead." I spat. "What else have you lied about?"

 "Nothing Ev.. I would never lie to you." he said before lunging and taking the gun out of my hand.

"I hate you!" I yelled at him. He took me by the wrist harshly yanking me down stairs to one of the guest bedrooms locking me in. There was no window or door that led out. There was only a tiny bathroom. "Now Ev you just stay in there till you calm down.." I heard his foot steps walk away. "Great." I muttered sliding down from the door to the floor bringing my knees up to my chest. Why am I always getting locked into rooms?

"Good luck getting out of this one Eva.."  I heard scarecrows voice ring through my head.

In Love With Chaos (Sequel to Falling for a psycho Joker)Where stories live. Discover now