Chapter 2

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Annabelle's P.O.V.

I wake up super early and I try to go back to sleep but I'm obviously not gonna be going back to sleep. So I decided to grab some shorts and a jacket then slippers and take a quick smoke break outside.

Once I get outside of the bus and I take my first hit of the cigarette I start thinking of Remington and my feelings towards him. "Gosh what am I going to do" I say out loud to myself "Do what" I hear from a very familiar voice I look over to see Remington. "Oh it's nothing what are you doing awake so early?" I ask him "Well I kept having a dream last night and I couldn't go back to sleep so now I'm here" he answers while lighting and taking a drag of a cigarette.

Me and Remington finished our cigarettes and went back on the bus to see the other guys awake drinking coffee and watching a movie. I walked up to my brother and gave him a quick hug and steal a sip of his coffee. "Hey get your own cup" he says in a little kids voice I just laugh at him and go sit next to Emerson. Remington went to his bunk probably to get some more sleep I think. My brother then went to go get ready.

"Annabelle you seriously need to tell him your feelings or I'll do it myself" Emerson says to me "I'm just nervous and scared Emerson I just need to wait" I reply he just gives me a loud annoyed groan I just roll my eyes at him.

Remington's P.O.V.

I went back to my bunk to write in my journal. Once in my bunk I atomically start writing about Annabelle and my feelings for her because this is the only way I can get them out without anyone knowing.

Few minutes later I look at the time on my phone and see it's time to get ready. So I hop out, shower, change, do my makeup and hair. I walk out of the bathroom to the back of the bus and see Annabelle just on her phone. "What's up" I say she looks up and just replied with nothing. I look at her again and notice somethings off about her. Her smile is not there and neither is her energetic voice.

"You okay Annabelle?" I ask as I sit next to her "Yeah I'm fine" she says "You don't seem okay" "It's nothing okay I gotta go get ready I'll see you later" she sounds annoyed and upset I'll just have to find out later.

Annabelle's P.O.V.

I felt bad for talking to Remington like that but I just really don't know how much longer I can hold my feelings in for him. I grab some black skinny jeans and a zombie princess sweater then head to the bathroom to get ready.

I just did my normal hair and makeup then once done getting ready I grab my pass, phone, and cigarettes then put my shoes on and head out to set up the merchandise table. Before I walked off the bus I gave Emerson a hug and Sebastian a hug and kiss on the cheek.

~~ After setting up ~~

After setting up I took my usual smoke break. I see the guys head into the venue to start sound check so I finished my cigarette and went inside to watch them.

I take stand side stage to watch them and they just finished practicing their first 2 songs from their set list. Remington then turns around and walks to one of the amplifiers and takes a sip of water and lifts up his shirt to rub away some sweat and I see his six pack making me blush and bite my lip. He looks to me and winks making me more red then I already was.

~~ After sound check ~~

I walk back to the front and see fans with their money ready to get their hands on some merchandise. As I'm selling merchandise some fans ask for pictures with me and my autograph which I of course do. Soon enough they all go inside for the show I decided to take a quick smoke break.

I then headed into the venue to watch the show before the meet and greet.

They just finished Death is a party bring your friends. They then start Don't feel quite right which is my favorite Remington then takes his shirt off for the song showing his amazing perfect body and tattoos. The fans scream at Remington's actions I just get butterflies in my stomach and went crazy inside so I decided to go out side and wait for the meet and greet.

~~ Meet and greet time ~~

The guys come to the tent after the show and so do the fans waiting to see the guys. Some wave at me and smile which I do back then I look to Remington and he looks back smiling I smile back and decided to give a quick wink.

Soon enough the meet and greet ended pretty quick. Emerson and Sebastian head back to the bus Remington decided to stay and help me clean and pack up. Before Emerson leaves he whispered to me "Don't forget protection" I just roll my eyes at me.

~~ Middle of cleaning up ~~

I pick up one of the shirts off the ground I turn around and some how trip on me feet making me fall on top of Remington. We look at each other with shocked eyes and I of course blush I then spring back up and so does Remington. "Well this is the last of it lets head back now" I say really embarrassed and nervous. We then walk back to the bus in awkward silence.

Remington's P.O.V.

Me and Annabelle make it back to the bus and she just rushes to her bunk. "What's up with Annabelle?" Sebastian ask "I don't know I'll go check on her" I answer "Okay make sure she is okay".

I get to her bunk and pull open her curtain to see her with her face in her hands. "Hey Annabelle you okay?" I ask "Yah I just can't believe how clumsy and humiliating I just was" she answers. I kinda laugh at her reaction "It's okay just get in your cute pajamas and get some sleep" I realized what I just said and without saying anything else I head back to the front.

Once I get to the front I see the guys watching TV. I grabbed a beer and decided to join them for a bit.

After 2 beers I decided to get some rest so did the other guys. We all head to our bunks and get ready for bed.

The guys hoped into theirs and I take a quick look at sleeping Annabelle. God she is just so cute and perfect in every way to me. I then get into my bunk and fall asleep.

~~ Later that same night ~~

Annabelle's P.O.V.


I was walking back to Sebastian's place on a cold night because he couldn't pick me up from the mall. As I'm walking someone grabs my arm and pushes me up against a wall. Before I could scream they cover my mouth and say "Don't scream pretty lady and then this will not hurt more". I cry and notice it was a man he then pulls my pants down.

~~ After Nightmare ~~

I wake shaking and crying. I get out of my bunk and try to wake up Remington. "Annabelle...oh my are you okay" he says worried "I just had a horrible nightmare and I can't sleep now could I sleep with you?" I ask "Of course". He then moves over a little and lifts up the blanket for me.

I then crawl in and cuddle up to him with my arms around his shoulders and his around my waist. I bury my head into his neck and take in his sent starting to calm down I get a little sleepy. Soon enough I've already fallen asleep in Remington's arms.

Remington's P.O.V.

When Annabelle woke me up crying I was automatically worried. When she told me she had a horrible nightmare and asked to sleep with me I of course let her. She gets really close to me wrapping her arms around me I do the same to her. Then she buried her head into my neck falling asleep soon after. I then decided to ask her what happened in her dream tomorrow morning.

I then grow sleepy. I soon fall asleep with the girl I love smiling and blushing but still worried about Annabelle.

(A/N: I really hope you guys are enjoying this story so far let me know what you think. Well until next see you guys later bye bye.)

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