Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Annabelle's P.O.V.

Ever since I found out that I was pregnant the guys have not let me work. I wish they would because I'm so bored not doing anything. Right now I'm just sitting on the couch eating a sandwich that Remington made me. "Hey babe show starts soon you coming to watch?" He asked "Yah of course" I replied. He then just sat next to me and wrapped one of his arms around me letting me rest my head on his shoulder.

*10 minutes later*

The guys were now running on stage and I was standing on the side watching them. I really enjoyed watching them do what they loved. I remember when we were all younger and I would sit with them while they wrote songs. Now they are singing those songs on stage in front of their fans. I am so proud of them I can't wait to see what the future holds for them.

*End of the show*

Remington's P.O.V.

We were all back on the bus. Sebastian and Emerson were in their bunks and then me and Annabelle are sitting on the couch. "Hey babe how about we go out tonight just me and you" I said "Of course" she answered. She then got up to go get changed.

After waiting she walked out in some black jeans, New Years Day shirt, and her black vans. "You look great like always" I said to her while grabbing her hand. We then walked off the bus to our first stop which was a burger place. Annabelle loves burgers so that's why I brought her here first.

*After them eating*

We just left the burger place. We were walking down the side walk holding each other's hand. We then made it to a arcade place. Right when we walked in Annabelle head straight to ski-ball. After ski-ball we played almost all the other games they had. I also got Annabelle a giant gothic looking hello kitty from the prize counter.

Now we were on our way back to the bus because it was late and we were both getting tired. Once we get to the bus I hopped straight into the shower because I smelled nasty and felt sweaty.

Annabelle's P.O.V.

Tonight was so much fun with Remington. Right now I was laying in Remington's bunk scrolling through my social medias. There was always rude and mean comments which I usually ignore but I just saw this one that got to me. When I announced that me and Remington were gonna have a kid someone commented saying "Don't bring another freak into the world you should just get rid of it already". After reading that I locked my phone and just pulled the blanket over my head. How can people be so cruel to someone who isn't even born yet.

Soon after I stopped crying and just waited for Remington to come to bed so I could cuddle up to him and get some sleep. Right when I turned my head he pulled the curtain open and got under the blanket with me. He then pulled me close to him giving me a kiss on the head making me smile. "I love you Annabelle sweet dreams" he said to me "I love you too Remington" I replied. I then fell asleep in his arms.

Remington's P.O.V.

Annabelle soon fell asleep. I was not really tired so I just stayed there rubbing her stomach softly. I just love this girl so much I always wondered how I made it without her being mine.

After a few more minutes my eyes started to get heavy. I then soon fell asleep with the most amazing girl in my arms. My last thought before falling asleep was how excited I was for that sweet baby of ours to be here.

(A/N: Hey my little nightmares I'm so sorry if this one is short but I'll make it up soon. Also I want you guys to decide the gender of Annabelle's kid or if they should have surprise twins. Well until next time bye.)

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