Chapter 3

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Annabelle's P.O.V.

I wake up to the curtain of Remington's bunk being pulled open and then hearing my brother scream. "WHAT IS THIS" I then pop my head up and hop out of Remington's bunk "Sebastian let me ex-" I try to speak but was cut off by more yelling "NO ANNABELLE WHAT WERE YOU EVEN THINKING SLEEPING WITH REMINGTON". I start to cry and that's when Remington steps in "Sebastian listen to me and calm down okay. She had a nightmare last night and came to me to see if she could lay down with me that's all that happened" my brother finally starts to calm down as Emerson is hugging me trying to calm me. "Annabelle I'm so sorry I'm just your big brother and wanted to protect you" Sebastian says walking to me then hugs me "Okay I forgive you but next time just listen first" I reply to him he then nods his head.

After that whole fuss I decided to get ready for the day. I decided on wearing a cute crop top, some ripped black shorts, and black vans then just did my usual makeup and hair.

As I'm brushing my hair in the bathroom Remington walks up to me. "Hey Annabelle I wanted to ask you what happened in your nightmare from last night" he ask I got a little shaky but it was only dream "Well uh it was dark and I was walking to Sebastian's place and then a man pins me to a wall and covers my mouth he then pulled my pants down that's when I woke up" I answer he then pulls me into a hug. "If that ever happens again just come to me okay" he says I just nod my head then we pull away from the hug and continue to getting ready.

After getting ready I grab my phone, pass, cigarettes, and a monster then hop off the bus to set up the tent for today. I walk to where the boxes and everything should be and see Remington finish setting up. "Hey thanks Remington but you didn't have to and shouldn't you be getting ready?" I say and ask "Yah but I wanted to give you a hand also wanted to take a smoke break with you" I just smile and laugh at him. We both take a cigarette out light it and take our first hit.

As were smoking Remington then ask "Me and the guys are gonna go out tonight to eat wanna join?" "Yah sure" I answer. We both head inside the venue for sound check I get to watch since Remington helped me set up.

~~ After sound check ~~

After sound check I head back outside to see fans in line ready to get some merchandise. I take a few pictures and sign somethings then a girl walks up to me looks to be mostly 16. "Hey Annabelle lay off of Remington I know you like him but back off you slut he's mine and who would go for your ugly self harmed ass". The girl then walks off inside the venue I start crying because no one has brought up my self harm in years. Luckily that was the last person in line so I run to the bus crying.

Once I get on the bus I go to the bathroom and look through my makeup bag. I then found my old razor. I close the bathroom door and sit on the toilet. I take the razor to my wrist over and over.

After that I clean up and I then realized I made 10 new scars on my arms and 5 on my stomach. I then walk to my bunk and find my maroon sweater to change into. I also fixed up my makeup and after fixing it that's when the guys come back. "Hey Annabelle it's time to head out and eat" Sebastian says. I then walk to the front and we all head out and start walking to wherever were gonna eat at.

~~ Skip rest of walk ~~

Remington's P.O.V.

We finally make it to this burger place were gonna eat at and thank god because I am starving. We decided to take a corner both. I sit next to Annabelle and once I sit down I notice something was definitely off about her now she seemed sad and drained. I'll talk to her once were back at the bus.

After a few minutes a waitress finally comes to take our orders. First we say our drinks and what we wanted to eat then we had to wait again.

~~ After eating and back on the bus ~~

Once back on the bus Annabelle walks to the back. Before I go back there I grab two beers then I start to walk to her.

Once I open the door to the back I notice Annabelle is just laying on the couch lightly crying. I put the drinks down and sit next to her and lift her head and lay it on my lap. "Annabelle could you please tell me what's wrong so I can help".

Annabelle's P.O.V.

Once Remington asked what's wrong I thought to myself I have to tell him my feelings. "Well before the show a girl walked up to me and said to stay away from you for good and I can't do that because I love you Remington I've had for years but I was just so scared to tell you and she brought up my self harm and well I cracked". After I speak it's silent I look at Remington and see sadness in his eyes. He then takes my arms rolls up my sleeves then lightly kisses each scar.

After kissing them he pulls back and looks at me. "Annabelle I've loved you too for years and years I just didn't want your brother getting mad and I didn't want to ruin our friendship" I look at him shocked then I smile at him. What happens next makes me want to scream from the rooftops. Remington pulls my face close to his and kisses me I kiss back wrapping my arms around his shoulders and he puts his hands on my back pulling me closer to him.

We then pull away catching our breath I'm still smiling like crazy. "Annabelle would you please be my girlfriend?" Remington to ask I just kiss him again smiling and giggling then I pull away "It's yes" I answer. He just smiles and hugs me then gives my one more quick kiss before we stand up and walk to the front.

Once we get to the front the guys are watching Beetle Juice. Me and Remington sit down next each other and join the little movie watching group.

~~ Middle of movie ~~

In the middle of the movie I get really tired so I lay my head on Remington's shoulder soon falling asleep while taking in his sweet spicy cologne.

Remington's P.O.V.

Annabelle fell asleep on my shoulder in the middle of the movie so I decided to pick her up bridal style and take her to my bunk. Once I get to my bunk I lay her down and look at how cute my now girlfriend is I kiss her cheek and head back to the front to finish the movie and talk to the guys.

~~ After movie ~~

After the movie me and the guys started to get ready for bed. So I take off my makeup get in my pajamas which only consist of black sweat pants and no shirt. I get to my bunk seeing Annabelle is still asleep. I hop in very carefully so I don't wake her up I then get under the blanket with her and pull her close to me laying my head on top of hers.

Soon enough I get really tried and start yawning. I kiss Annabelle's head and fall asleep holding her in my arms thinking to myself man I love this girl.

~~ Middle of the night ~~

Annabelle's P.O.V.

I wake up in Remington's bunk with me in his arms. I smile at him and lightly give him a kiss on the lips. I then very carefully hop out of his bunk and walk to the front to use the restroom.

Once close to the front I see Emerson sitting on the couch playing on his phone drinking some Peace Tea. I sit next to him and decided to tell him the good news. "Hey Emerson guess what happened?" I tell him smiling like the Chesier cat "What?" He ask "I told Remington my feelings and he said he felt the exact same way then he kissed me then asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes" I say to him. "Well that's awesome I'm so happy for you Annabelle and does your brother know yet?" He ask "No not yet I'll tell him soon maybe". I then hug him and head to the bathroom.

After having to use the bathroom I head back to Remington's bunk and carefully hop back in. I give him a kiss on the cheek and lay my head in his chest soon falling back asleep to his heartbeat.

(A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed and I'll soon be posting a chapter telling you guys some more about me. Well until next time bye bye.)

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