Last Hope (Jayden's POV)

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I reached the landing of Sara's apartment, panting. After knocking impatiently about a minute, Tanya appeared in the doorway with a wary look. "It's you! I thought..." she trailed off, glancing at the back as if expecting someone to turn up.

"Where is Sara?" I asked, waiting with bated breath for the answer.

Her face dropped. "She left some time back," and she paused for a dramatic effect. "And I don't know where!"

I walked past her, panicked. Hungrily I looked inside every room, getting back at the hall, where Tanya waited with hands on her hips. "What happened?" I queried with heart in my mouth.

"Your secret is out, Sid. Viraj was here, he had the snapshots of your chats with Sara's Parents," she said, grimly.

"How is that possible?" I retorted. "How could he possibly know about my connection with her parents?"

"Viraj apparently scanned your phone, when you were at Lonavala..." she explained. "That's not the point. You screwed up, Sid. You should have told her earlier."

"Damn!" I cursed under my breath. That piece of shit spied on me! How could I be so careless? I punched my fist in my other hand. The damage already occurred. Actually, my worst fear had realized. No point dwelling in that. I needed to do some damage control. I needed to talk with Sara: my life depended on it. "Please. Just tell me where is she. I will talk to her. And maybe she will understand. Or at least, take her anger out on me."

"I would have gladly helped you. But she didn't tell us where she was going. She mentioned that she was going somewhere for a week to get away from you and clear her head. Though she took Kush to the airport with her," said Tanya, and watched me fish out my cell phone. "Don't take the trouble, man! He would not tell you in this lifetime, even if he knew, or had any hint"

I cursed again and started thinking hard about where she might go. She didn't have anybody or anywhere to go. Then suddenly it struck me; what if she booked her ticket with the Purple credit card. Anamika could access the company card and see the details. It filled me with hope, all I needed was her to listen to me. I know I could make her realize my circumstances.

Pacing to and fro on the modest space, I called Anamika and asked her to look into the card details. Ignoring her unpleasant response, I waited for her to check. She then informed me that Sara booked a flight to Calicut and then ride to a place called Janaki forest. Astounded at Sara's stupidity and irresponsible behaviour, I ended the call. There was still another question. Where did she book a room?

Suddenly feeling confident, I asked Tanya's permission to go through Sara's laptop and possibly track her web history if she had booked from it. Without awaiting her nod, I sprinted in her bedroom and looked around. Of course, she had taken it with her! Shit! I am doomed. Halting for a quick second, I opened her drawer and glanced at its contents. A lone letter folded neatly sat on the bottom. I took it and tucked it in my pocket.

Getting back, I told Tanya I was leaving and would try to trace Sara and talk some sense into her. She muttered good luck in a somewhat sarcastic tone before I took two steps at a time to climb down the floors. As I walked past the gate, I saw Kush's car entering through the gate. I decided to follow and ask him, weighing my chances.

"Why are you even here, Siddharth, or Jayden!" hissed Kush, maliciously, restraining to punch me. "Because of you, Sara is in this pathetic state. If you have felt anything for her, then you would pack your bags and leave Mumbai, without further making a fool out of her. She deserves better!"

"Shut the hell up, Kushal!" I blasted in an undertone, glancing around the alerted passersby's. "I love her, alright! And she loves me. Don't tell me what I should do or not do!"

"Look at your arrogant self! When would you understand this? She is heartbroken. You deceived her in every possible way. Like her parents strangled her trust, you strangled the soul out of her!"

For a second, I was speechless. Was he true? My subconscious looked solemnly at me, as if ashamed of itself. "Look, pal. I know I screwed up. But believe me, I love her more than my life. And I was going to tell her the truth in the morning itself but I chickened out. She had only started loving me. I could not bear to end it."

"Go back, where you come from, Jayden. She will not forgive you," muttered Kushal, turning away. "Pray that she will be all right on her own, wherever she went."

"I am going after her, Kushal," I said and watched him face me. "She has gone to Calicut. I just need to know in which resort she is going to stay. If you have any information, please tell me. I will owe you my life!"

Kushal looked perplexed, even trembled as he stared at me. "So, you do love her then?" his voice was barely audible, through the honking of cars passing on the street.

"Yes, most ardently. I am willing to do anything for her," I breathed.

"Well, then, let me help you," advanced Kushal to my side. "You might need an extra hand to look for the resorts. Meanwhile, I will call Sara and try to find out where she might be."

Within few hours, we went to the airport, meanwhile checked the next flight to Calicut. To our disappointment, it was the next day afternoon. This was not going to suffice. I thought of chopper, which would not be fast enough. Then, I called JP Head and asked for a personal jet. Within next two hours, JP India jet was ready to take off, following the procedures. I picked up a shirt and a pair of jeans from an airport shop and changed my pajamas: it had attracted the attention of the crowd.

"Jayden Smith, huh? How could you have such connections?" Kushal finally asked, stepping into a small cabin of the Boeing plane, with engraved JP logo on its hull shining proudly.

"Not smith, Parker," I answered, sitting opposite of him, on the plush beige leather chair.

"Not the JP yourself, are you?" Kushal laughed.

When I nodded, the colour drained out of his face. "No shit! You are Jayden Parker, son of Jason Parker?"

"Unfortunately, I am him," I snorted, knowing well that Sara only loved Sid, not Jayden.

"Good, that I backed off from you two. I would never have the chance with Sara after this," he chuckled, and then went grim again.

"Sara is different," I remarked, as the jet vibrated to take off. "After this fiasco, I think I would envy you. You have Sara for the lifetime, even if it meant as a friend."

He regarded me apprehensively, probably not believing my words. Then again, it would not matter; if only Sara understood and forgave me.

In an hour, we reached the Calicut Airport and went straight to the prepaid taxi booth. After inquiring about a cab leaving for Janaki Forest, we managed to get the number of the taxi driver who dropped Sara off to the resort. To our horror, the number didn't work, the network was weak in the area. We asked about the resorts near the forest and got names and addresses of nine resorts spread across the forest. While we took off in a similar cab, we tried again calling her. Her phone was switched off, adding to my worry. Then we decided to part and search for her in the area.

Constantly, updating on the phone we inquired in six of the resorts, situated nearby. I was stressed; the conditions and people of the resort were questionable. I feared for her safety more than ever. Dawn was already approaching with orange light alighted the horizon, in a mystical aura. When at last, I reached a shabby looking resort, on the inside of the broken winding road, going westward. I got the strong feeling that she was nearby.

The fat man easily concealed a presence of a young woman who arrived at night, when I produced thousand rupee note on his table. "If you must insist... She, your friend sir?" the man said, leading me into a narrow passageway.

"She is my wife-to-be," I corrected, to assure him of my identity.

"Of course," he said casually, leaving me on a doorstep of a worn out cottage.

**Tripple update coming soon... Stay tuned!**

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