Josh Dun x Reader

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(I felt the need to give some love to Josh because my Spooky son is underappreciated)

You had been living alone in your and Josh's apartment for quite some time. Ever since he left to go on the Emotional Roadshow World Tour with Tyler the apartment had been awfully quiet. You missed seeing him in real life, even though the two of you had skyped almost every night. You would have gone on tour with the boys but of course your job had got in the way.

You were a film director but you often worked for bands and music labels directing and writing music videos for them. That's actually how you and Josh first met.

You had gotten a call from Mark one morning. Your phone started blaring next to you causing you to wake with a start. Of course you had fallen asleep at 4 am listening to music while trying to brainstorm for some stupid car commercial. You sigh as you picked up the phone answering it in a tired voice. "hmmm sup," you said. Classic morning you. "Hey Y/n it's Mark!" Mark never ceases to amaze you with his energy. "Oh hey Mark," you said somewhat cheerier now "how's it hanging?" "Good! Great Y/n! Anyway, I just called to ask, are you working on anything right now?" "Nothing major," you said "Just some dumb car commercial." "Great! Yes! Wonderful!"Mark said "Were a bit short on ideas over here for twenty one p-"

Before Mark could finish you interrupted him "MARK ARE YOU ACTUALLY ASKING ME TO DIRECT A MUSIC VIDEO FOR MY ALL TIME FAVORITE BAND!" "Uhmm, yes?" Mark responded. "It's for stresse-" "I ALREADY HAVE A SCRIPT, I'LL BE AT YOUR PLACE IN 5."

Whenever you were bored or not working on a project, or even if you just needed to get your creative juices flowing, you would listen to twenty one pilots and write possible music videos for their songs. Was your addiction to this bands music a problem? No! Maybe? Yeah... it was. But now you were being given the holy grail of projects to work on and now you couldn't wait.

You quickly called up the car company and apologized to their management, explaining that some family issues had come up and you were extremely busy. A fib sure to get you out of a directing job as boring as that. Proceeding the conversation you threw on some fresh clothes, adjusted your hair a bit, printed out the script, grabbed your wallet, purse, phones, and keys, and then hopped in the car to drive over to Mark's. To say you drove the speed limit would have been a lie.

When you finally got to Mark's house after what seemed like ages you sloppily parked in his driveway and ran up to his front door, not even bothering to take notice of an unfamiliar car in Mark's driveway. 

You furiously banged on Mark's door. "MARK I HAVE THE SCRIPT AND YOU AREN'T GOING TO BELIEVE HOW GOOD IT IS! THERE ARE GOING TO BE TRIKES! OH MY GOD WE NEED TO GET THEIR FAMILIES INVOLVED TOO! WAIT WHAT IF WE-" You were startled when the door in front of you was opened to reveal none other than Joshua William Dun. You blushed a bright shade of red. Not only was one of your idols standing right in front of you but he had just heard you yelling random shit about a script at the top of your lungs, PLUS he had to see you like the mad, blushing fool that you were, half awake, and poorly dressed. 

"Ohhh u-ummm" you said stuttering and glancing down at your shoes. "Did you say trikes?" Josh said. You looked up to see him with a beaming smile on his face. "OH MY GOSH JISH DID SHE SAY TRIKES! MARK WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS WOMAN! CAN WE HAVE HER! SHE IS OURS NOW AND THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT!" The unmistakeable voice of a very excited Tyler Joseph came from inside the house. And from that moment on you knew this was going to be one of your greatest projects yet. 

The few weeks that followed after that were some of the best weeks of your life. In that time you became really great friends with both Tyler and Josh. You bonded over music and Taco Bell. By the end of the first week you were even allowed to call them Jish and TyJo.

Over those weeks though you began to grow extremely close to Josh. Every time Tyler would go to be with Jenna, Josh would hang out with you rather than Mark and the rest of the crew. After days of endless flirting from Josh, Tyler was the one who actually hooked you guys up. 

You and Josh had been hanging out watching Disney movies as you weren't filming anything that day. The only pieces of furniture in the room with the TV were a small love seat and a rocking chair. In order to see the screen better you were both seated on the love seat. Since it was small the two of you were sitting quite close together. Around an hour into your 2nd movie you began to grow tired. You carefully laid your head down on Josh's shoulder. You were worried he would be weirded out by it but he was completely fine. You were beginning  to doze off when you felt Josh put his arm around your shoulders. You smiled and blushed as you nestled into his figure.

You weren't exactly sure how long it had been before you started to wake up. You heard another voice in the room that wasn't Josh. It took you a moment before you registered it as Tyler. "Come on Jish," he said "Practically everyone here ships you guys! Just confess to her already!" "Shut up Ty," mumbled Josh. You could practically hear him blushing. "Oh come on already! You two are literally cuddling." Said Tyler, annoyed. "Uhg fine," said Josh "I like her alright. She's beautiful, and smart, and funny, and the most amazing girl in the world okay! Happy Ty!" Tyler smiled and winked at you. He could tell that you were awake at this point. 

You smiled and blushed furiously. "Don't think I didn't hear that Jiiissssssssshhh." You said smiling and booping him on the nose. Now it was his turn to be flustered. "O-oh uhmm," And then your lips were on his and the rest is history.

You smiled as you though back on all of this. Even though your apartment might be quiet without Josh right now he'd be home soon. 

You got up off the couch you were laying on finally deciding it was time to stop reminiscing about the past and start your day. You were about to walk over to your desk to start working on Panic!'s new music video but you suddenly heard a knock on the door. You walked over and opened it expecting it to be amazon.

"Hi love, I'm home."


Josh flashed that same smile that you saw the first day that you met him.

And then you two kissed.

And it was almost better than the first time.


Hey y'all! Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

There is a new one shot up on my Sherlock x Reader book where the reader and Sherlock play cluedo!

I love you all and don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel ThatOneObsessedFangirl!


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