The Inability to Deduce Part 2

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This was originally published on my Sherlock x Reader fanficton, I would really appreciate it if you would all read it! Here it is!
"Come on Y/N please" Molly begged. " Everyone's going and you can't be alone at Christmas."

"Alright fine." You said. Sherlock and John were having their Christmas get together at the flat and you really didn't want to go but Molly had talked you into it.

"Yay!" said Molly excitedly " I'll see you there around 7 then?" "Yeah I'll be there." You said. " Kay! See you then Y/N." She said as she left the morgue where the two of you were examining a body. You then got your stuff and headed back to your flat.

~le wibbly wobbly timey whimey skip~

Back at your flat you were busy wrapping gifts. You had purchased something for everyone. A new jumper for John, earrings for Molly, a hand painted coffee mug that you made for Lestrade, cookies for Mycroft, a new China tea set for Mrs.Hudson, and initialed new blue scarf for Sherlock.

You had really gone the extra mile for everyone.

You decided to just dress casual for Christmas so you changed into your usual attire and headed to the party.

~le time skip brought to you by Castiel~

You knocked on the door of 221b Baker Street gifts in hand. Mrs.Hudson answered the door.

"Oh hello dear," she said with a pleasant smile on her face "Hello Mrs.Hudson" you said, then deducing her out of habit you said"I can tell you've been working hard."It was all worth it dear. Come on in you must be freezing out there." she said. " Thank you Mrs.Hudson" you said and headed upstairs to where the party was.

~time skip to after you have climbed the stairs~

You walked into Sherlock and John's living room to be greeted by everyone. The first to great you was John.

"Hello Y/N" he said grinning like a dork " how are you on this fine Christmas?" " Just fine" you said "Uhm where should I put these?" gesturing to your armfuls of gifts. "Oh, Uhm right under the tree over there" said John. " Thanks" you responded as you headed over to the tree.

Party's weren't really your thing. You weren't really good with emotions being a high functioning sociopath and all.

You then headed over to Molly and Lestrade who were chatting over near the kitchen.

"Y/N!" Lestrade said when he saw you coming over " So great you could make it!" "Uhm yeah" you said feeling awkward. "See I told you she'd come" said Molly elbowing Lestrade in the side playfully. "Oi!" Said Lestrade " What was that for?" "For not having faith that she'd come" said Molly. Lestrade just rolled his eyes.

You, Molly, and Lestrade continued to chat for a while when John announced it was time to exchange gifts.

Molly gave hers first, in which you received a new sketch book. Molly was the only one who knew you had a passion for art. "Thank you Molly" you said.

Next was Lestrade, who gave you a (favorite color) phone case with a (design/drawing) on it. " Wow, that you Lestrade" you said putting the case on your phone. "No problem." he said.

Next was Mycroft, who you were surprised even showed up. He gave you a (pick item from fandom that is not Sherlock. Example:sonic screwdriver).
"Thank you Mycroft, but maybe stop watching me on CCTV" you said.

Next was John, who gave you a Christmas jumper. "Thanks John!" You said with a laugh.

Then came Mrs.Hudson who gave you an antique clock. "I wanted you to have something to put on that mantle place of yours" she said. "Wow," you said" Thank you very much." "Oh it's no trouble deary" she said.

Then you gave everyone your gifts, and they all enjoyed them greatly.

Lastly was Sherlock who gave you your gift last.

"Y/N" he said " would you join me in the hall for a minute" he said. "Sure just give me a second" you said. "Okay" he said and went out into the hall.

You then got up out of your chair and headed after him.

"Hello again" he said when you got there. "Hello" you said.

"Y/N" he said " your gift is something I've had for a while now but I feel the need for you to have it so here." he said as he handed you a dark colored bag.

You took that bag and pulled out a trench coat.

Sherlock's trench coat.

"Sherlock" you said " wow. I can't except this, really this belongs to you." "No" he said " you deserve this and I want you to take it" "Thank you" you said as you smiled up at him.

"And one more thing" he said. You looked confused at him.

"Mistletoe" he said as you and him both looked up.

You leaned in slowly and felt your lips connect. As soon as they connected you could feel sparks fly. It was marvelous.

You lips then disconnected and you saw Sherlock turn around trying to hide the blush on his face. You couldn't even try control the blush that was on your own face.

"Thank you Sherlock" you said.

This was truly a magical Christmas.
Hope you enjoyed!

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