Sherlock x Reader the inability to deduce

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This was a request from larnijade02 hope you enjoy!
"What is it Lestrade"

You had just gotten a phone call from your boss. You had just started working at Scotland Yard a few weeks ago and Greg already had you working on cases 24/7 34/2 (sorry the 34/2 thing is just something my friends made up one day and so I just always add it). Of course you didn't mind though. Solving cases was your life. It came to you quite easily. You could look at a person and automatically deduce everything about them in mere seconds.

Some called you the female Sherlock,

Others called you the freak.

You were used to it by now. It really didn't bother you. You enjoyed showing up to the people who called you freak all the time. God it was satisfying.

Anyway back to Greg.

"Y/N there has been a murder. We need your help now." "On my way now" you said.

You walked outside and jumped into your police car.

~~~~~~~Time skip brought to you by John's Jumpers of jumperness ~~~~~

You arrived at the crime scene and quickly headed in Lestrade's direction. He was talking to a man with dark curly brown hair. You ignored the man and walked up to Lestrade.

"You said you needed me." You said. "Ah yes Y/N good your here meet Sherlock Holmes." Lestrade said gesturing to the man you had noticed earlier.

"Sherlock Holmes" said the man who had just identified himself. He put a hand out towards you. You put your's out to shake his and deduced him out of habit.

Except you couldn't.

"Lestrade explain now" you and Sherlock said together oblivious to the other one saying the same thing.

"What?" Said Lestrade clearly confused.

Sherlock then turned to you.

"Sorry to be like this but please tell me why you are here and why I cannot deduce you?" He said.

"Oh I see" you said "you're a proper genius too. Well I wish I could say something clever but I am afraid I must ask you the same thing."

Greg suddenly started laughing.

"Are you telling me" he said still laughing "that the two geniuses can't deduce each other?"

"Yes" you and Sherlock both said.

"This is hysterical!" Said Greg "The two of you are usually the smartest people and now in front of each other you come across as the dumbest!"

Greg cracked up again.

"I wouldn't say that Greg." You said "For first thing we don't have an IQ of 2 like Anderson" you said making a joke.

Sherlock smirked.

"Hey that's hurtful" said Anderson who you had just noticed was standing nearby.

"The truth can be sometimes" you said as Sherlock's smirk grew.

"Lestrade" said Sherlock " I think we best take a look at the bad now."

"Right the uh murder." Greg said "Well you two have fun!" He said.

You and Sherlock headed towards the body.

"To simply" you both said at the same time.

"Died of gunshot wound" you said

"In the head" said Sherlock

"On the left side" you said

"From a handgun" he said

"It was the brother" you both said.

You turned to each other and smirked.

You knew from that day on you and Sherlock we're going to learn a lot about each other and were going to become very good friends.
Hey guys! Hoped you liked it! I will also be adding this to my Sherlock x Reader one shots! Hope you enjoyed!

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