RobertIDK x Reader

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I am praying that Robert doesn't read this even though I tweeted it out. Is you are reading this though Robert, sorry I am human garbage.

All my friends are fanboys as you know

Your alarm clock sounded through your bedroom. You sighed to yourself as you rolled over, slamming your hand down on the off button. It was only 7 am and you wanted death.

The night before, like the typical fangirl that you are, you hadn't gone to sleep until 2 in the morning. You had found a really good Septiplier fanfic and you just couldn't stop reading. As you sat up you massaged your temples, before finally throwing off your covers and getting out of bed.

You meandered your way over to the kitchen of your apartment, preparing your morning beverage. You took your steaming cup of (favorite hot beverage) and sat by your window. "The window sill looks really nice, right? You think twice about your life, it probably happens at night." You muttered twenty one pilots lyrics to yourself before taking a sip of your drink.

You enjoyed gazing out the window during the morning. Around this time of year in Canada you would sometimes be able to watch the snow fall. The sight was calming, it let you take a step back from the daily stresses of life. But today you finally had a day off! You smiled to yourself as you stood up, walking towards your stove.

You opened your cabinet pulling out a pan and setting it on one of the burners. There's no better breakfast than scrambled eggs and toast. You took a few eggs out of your fridge, cracked them into the pan, and scrambled them before lighting the burner. You swirled the liquid like eggs in the pan, quietly humming Trouble by Never Shout Never to yourself.

You were halfway through cooking your eggs when you heard someone in the apartment next to yours. "OH MY GOD THERE'S A FUCKING HAIR IN THERE!" You stood confused for a minute, pondering what the heck was going on in your neighbor's apartment. You decided to just ignore it and continued to cook your eggs.

A few minutes later though once you had started on the toast, you heard the voice again. "See this-this is the coolest part. You just take two slices, AND YOU DROP EM IN! 3, 2, 1, GO!" The first time you had heard your neighbor's voice you were confused, but this time you thought it out more logically. Perhaps this strange person was also making eggs and toast for breakfast. You chuckled to yourself at such a coincidental idea.

You were just sitting down to eat when you realized you had forgotten spread for your bread. You walked back into your kitchen grabbing a tub of margarine and a boo-tar knife. But just as you were about to walk back to your table, the voice sounded again. "SPREAD THAT SHIT! SPREAD IT!" You froze in place. This morning was starting out way too weird for your taste.

You bit into your perfectly cooked eggs and delicious toast. You hummed, contently to yourself, smiling. You pulled your phone out of the pocket in your pajama pants. You quickly opened Spotify, ready to play The IDK EP. You always enjoyed listening to Robert in the mornings. Robert made you smile when no one else could, that's why you loved spending your mornings listening to his music. You were about to tap on Robert's cover of Trouble, when out of the blue, that exact song starts playing from your neighbors apartment. "This is just getting too weird." You said.

After finishing your breakfast you had finally made up your mind. You were going to confront this mysterious neighbor of yours, and find out all of their shenanigans this morning.

You threw on your Markiplier hoodie as you walked outside. You turned to your right and maybe walked 5 steps before reaching your neighbor's front door. Maybe the hoodie was a bit unnecessary for that, you thought.

You pulled up all of your courage and rung the doorbell awaiting an answer. Suddenly though, your anxiety hit you like a wrecking ball. What if your neighbor didn't like you? What were you even going to say to them? What if you had interrupted their breakfast?

Thoughts continued to swirl in your mind, but before you knew it, the door in front of you was now open. You looked downward, suddenly very interested in the floor. "Uhm, hey. I'm super sorry if I interrupted your breakfast, but uh, I heard you cooking this morning. It's, well, good to know that someone also enjoys eggs and toast as much as I do. Also you have a really good taste in music, it's cool knowing there's someone else out there who enjoys RoberIDK. I'm really sorry for bothering you and everything though, I'll uhm, let you get back to your food."

You turned away, prepared to briskly walk 5 steps back to your door. But there was a hand on your shoulder stopping you. You turned around again, finally looking your neighbor in the eyes. Before you stood none other that RobertWTF, I mean, RobertIDK. "Holy- oh god I'm really sorry!" You started freaking out. Frickity RobertIDK, killer memestar himself, was your neighbor. "Forget I ever bothered you, please just uh, pretend that never happened." You looked down at the ground again. You just couldn't get yourself under control.

Suddenly, Robert began to giggle. You looked up to see his smiling, cheerful face. "Really, don't be sorry!" He said, smiling back at you. "That's so cool to have someone like you as a neighbor! I was actually filming me cooking this morning, so sorry if I was so loud." He beamed at me, I was going as red as Robert's fox hat. "N-no no, it's cool!" I said, bringing up the courage to smile and speak back. "I'd totally love to spend more time with you but, I need to get back to filming." Robert stated. "It's cool, I'll see you around I guess!" I warmly grinned at him.

This time I was about to turn around again, but suddenly, Robert's head was extremely close to my ear. "Oh by the way," he said "Nice Markiplier hoodie. It's almost as cute as you." And with that he ducked back inside and closed his door.

I should really go outside more often, I thought.

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! I wanted to do a little something based off Robert's new video today, so this happened!

As always, check my out on YouTube my main memes! I'm ThatOneObsessedFangirl !


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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