thank you!

1.9K 17 0

thank you all from the bottom of my heart for 8

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thank you all from the bottom
of my heart for 8.4k!
i never imagined when I first
created this book that we would reach
this far. i originally had just imagined
reaching maybe 300 reads at the most
and now were more then halfway to 10k.
the picture above is a picture i toke when
i first created this story. i had only 75 reads
and 3 votes and now we have 8.4k reads
and 490 votes.

so once again i want to thank everyone of
you who voted, read, added to your library, commented, and followed. i appreciate you
each so so much and couldn't ask for better readers.

cheers to 8.4k - b🍻

( it's so weird coming back and reading
this while i have over 200k reads on this
book lol. )

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