Chapter 1: Show Me What Love Looks Like

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I fasten my pink tie around my neck while peering at Gerard. He's sleeping in the background of the reflection of the mirror. His chest rises and falls peacefully as his sheets are draped over his chest like he's a Greek God. His tousled black hair lays tranquil on his pillow and the image is quite serene. Rarely do I enter his room but my drunk self broke my own mirror a few nights ago and I haven't had the chance to replace it. Also, unfortunately for me, the bathroom one is too high for me to see properly. I turn to Gerard and tug at his sheet.

"It's time to get up! We're gonna be late!" I shout. Gerard barely responds. I pull the sheet off entirely and he groans and moans as he rubs his eyes.

"We have to go. I let you sleep in as much as I could but any longer and we'll miss the wedding," I say as he sits up. I fix my collar and head into the kitchen where I pour two cups of coffee. I bring one to Gerard and he nods thankfully as he pulls his suit from his closet. I stand by a moment before letting him get dressed.

Since the day I came to check out the apartment and we slept together there hasn't been much going on between us. We sleep in separate rooms, we mostly have entirely separate agendas but we've both seen each other naked too many times to operate as normal roommates. A lot of days go by with nothing but stolen glances. I know it's partially my fault but he has changed from the irritating shell of a man I kinda abandoned. I felt trapped. I flake when I feel trapped. I didn't want to but I had to and being with him now shows me that I made the right choice. I think.

He walks out of the bedroom and slams his cup on the counter before grabbing his keys and heading outside. I follow closely behind him and get into his car.


We arrive at the location on the invitation and see a huge banquet hall. On the entrance door is a picture of my mother and her fiancé, Matt, with fancy scripture indicating the timeline that their wedding should follow. I open the door and instantly smell roses and lavender. There are tables all over the room dressed with light pink runners and pink and white roses as centre pieces. The chairs surrounding the tables are covered in white ribbons with pink bows. Hanging from the ceiling are baskets of pink and white flowers and a few chandeliers. A few guests have arrived but not too many. Everyone so far has followed the indicated dresscode of pink and grey.

In the following few minutes tons of people arrive in swarms. What was a serene and nearly empty hall is now buzzing with stories and laughter from the guests. Everyone starts taking their seats and people assemble on the makeshift stage. The wedding song begins and my mom starts walking down the aisle. She's wearing a strapless white dress with pink lace accents. She casts me a glance and I walk over and grab her arm. She whispers a quick 'thank you' and I escort her up to Matt. I return to my seat as silently as possible.

The ceremony continues on, the vows and the rings and the kiss to seal it all off. People cheer and congratulate the couple as they walk off together. Eventually some of the excitement dies as lunch is served. The newlyweds approach me and pull me aside.
"Frank, honey," my mom starts. "Matt and I were talking about you the other day and we decided that, if you want, we are willing to pay for you to go to college. We've been saving up and with Matt's job, we have enough for you to go to school. I'm not gonna ask you for your decision yet but by the time we get back from our honeymoon, which will be a week from now, I hope to have an answer. Take your time and check out a few college websites," she says, gripping Matt's arm excitedly.
"Thanks so much. Yeah, I'll look into it."

Time passes before people start making speeches. It starts with friends and the best man and some family and had I prepared something, I would be there too. Eventually, Matt finds his way to the stage with a paper in one hand and a glass of shimmering champagne in the next.
"Linda," he starts. "Linda, Linda, Linda." There's a small pause followed by a wide grin as he unfolds the piece of paper in his hands. He looks up at my mom.
"Lover, you make me want to break my heart into pieces just to make sure you have enough pieces for your own heart's puzzle.
Lover, I would walk through fire for you but your love gives me immunity to its pain.
Lover, your smile radiates brighter than the sun and scorches my brain to think about.
Darling, the joy you make me feel is endless.
Lover, the only one who's life means more than mine but makes mine better.
Linda, I know I'm not much of a poet and I never really will be but something deep in my heart makes me want to try to be poetic and to express my love for you in ways I can't even comprehend. Baby, you are the light at the end of the dark tunnel. I love you."
There are some 'aw's and a few sniffles from the crowd as he finishes his glass of champagne and moves off the stage to my mother. She stands up and greets him by pulling him in for a kiss. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Gerard staring at me with a pull of sadness in his eyes. When he notices that I've caught his glance, he looks away immediately. I reach for his hand and smile but he inches away. He stands and walks towards the buffet table near the back and I slump in my seat, saddened by the rejection.

I look behind me to see if Gerard's coming back anytime soon. He's leaning against the wall, eating and avoiding everyone. When I return my gaze to the front of the room I see Matt feeding my mother some hors d'oeuvre as she smiles. When she bites it, she closing her eyes. It's so cliché but this must be what love looks like. The music gets quiet and people get excited as it's time for the first dance.

I get up and start walking behind the grouping of bridesmaids to get over to the refreshments when something hits my face. Instinctively, I fumble to grab what hit me to see it's a bouquet of pink and white flowers. Just as it registers what it is, Matt shows up and places his hands on my shoulders. He leans close to me so I can hear him over the noise in the background.

"Looks like you're getting married next."

Welcome back for all of those who've read yamfb. It's been almost a year and I've been fiddling with this sequel for awhile now. I wasn't sure how I wanted to start it and well, this is what I've got. Hopefully you'll stick with me through this one as well.

I Tried My Best To Love You (Sequel To YAMFB)Where stories live. Discover now